Framing by proximity as criteria for news-worthiness: the curve of absences
newsmaking, agenda-setting, news-value, framing, routinesAbstract
This paper starts with the redefinition of the current concept of journalism in the communicative context due to the changes in the attitudes of the audiences, the roles of the media and the productive routines of journalists; it reviews the production of information as a process that reveals how events are transformed into news if they constitute a rupture of the social consensus; it also investigates the impact on newspapers from Mexico, Spain, Portugal and Galicia of two events occurred outside the habitual points of informative interest: the signing of peace in Angola and the elections in Mozambique to propose a) that the media prioritize as news-value those events led by “relevant sources” or those occurred within their own geographic scope of diffusion, and b) that the prolonged absences in the agenda are determined by the so-called curve of absences: mimetic schemes that reflect an oscillating interest to a cyclical rate in which the secondary elements are used to serve as updating referents to initiate a narration that mixes the context (background) with the expectations about evolution (projection).
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