Social advertising in the NGO of Cordoba (Argentina). Message construction profiles




Social advertising, advertising creativity, NGO, content analysis, Córdoba (Argentina)


NGOs are significantly increasing their presence in the city of Cordoba (Argentina) where they are forming a larger sector everyday. Thorough the years, these organizations have committed themselves to strengthen the democratic system and improve civil rights in the community. To achieve this goal, they have relied on social advertising as one of their key resource. Social advertising has been instrumental in establishing their visibility as well as improving their credibility and reputation for transparency. It has also helped them raise funds, recruit new volunteers, raise awareness of social issues and educate people on the values of solidarity.  Relaying on content analysis as the primary methodology, this research presents a study about the communication efforts carried out by the NGO sector in the city of Cordoba. The research finds that NGOs do not always optmize their available resources when building their messages, despite their efforts to communicate with a wide ranging audience through different channels.


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Author Biographies

Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz, Rey Juan Carlos University

Senior Lecturer of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Master in Communication Techniques in Social Services UCM-INMSERSO.

Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University (United Kingdom), ITS Sligo (Ireland), and the Business University 21st Century (Córdoba Republic of Argentina). Visiting researcher at the National University of Córdoba (Republic of Argentina).

Author of La Comunicación del marketing solidario. Publicidad social e impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en la publicidad dirigida a los inmigrantes (The communication of solidarity Marketing. Social advertising and impacts of new technologies in advertising aimed at immigrants) (Dyckinson, 2008), and Comunicación de las causas sociales en un mundo global (Communication of social causes in a global world) (Dyckinson, 2007) and La profesión de crear. Creatividad e investigación publicitarias (The profession of creation. Creativity and advertising research) (Communication Maze, 2006).

Principal Investigator of the Ministry of Science and Innovation project “Development of a model for the effectiveness of the persuasive communication of the third sector in social networks” (CS02009-11203) funded by the VI National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation, 2008-2011;

Principal Investigator of the Coordinated Project for Television and Childhood (PROCOTIN) financed by the Community of Madrid; Research on innovative practices with ICT in the context of the Internet in the classroom financed by RED.ES; Research on the strengthening of the communication departments of the NGOs in Córdoba (Argentina), funded by AECID.

Director of the Social Advertising University Festival Solidar&dar, and director of the International Conferences on Social Advertising.



Miguel Baños González, Rey Juan Carlos University

Profesor Titular de Universidad del área Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Investigador invitado en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (República de Argentina).

Autor de Las palabras en la publicidad. El redactor publicitario y su papel en la comunicación publicitaria  (Ediciones del Laberinto S. L., 2009), Al filo de la verdad. Historias de la publicidad en el cine (CIE Dossat, 2005) Product placement. Estrella invitada: la marca (CIE Dossat, 2003), Métodos heurísticos y creación publicitaria (Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Servicio de publicaciones, 2003), Creatividad y publicidad  (Ediciones del Laberinto S. L., 2001).

Senior Lecturer of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University. PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Visiting researcher at the National University of Córdoba (Republic of Argentina).

Author of Las palabras en la publicidad. El redactor publicitario y su papel en la comunicación publicitaria (Words in advertising. The advertising editor and his role in marketing communication) (Ediciones del Laberinto S. L., 2009), Al filo de la verdad. Historias de la publicidad en el cine (On the edge of truth. Stories of advertising in cinema) (CIE Dossat, Madrid, 2005), Product placement. Estrella invitada: la marca (Product placement. Guest star: the brand) (CIE Dossat, Madrid, 2003), and Métodos heurísticos y creación publicitaria (Heuristic methods and advertising production) (Complutense University of Madrid. Publications Service, 2003), Creatividad y publicidad (Creativity and advertising) (Ediciones del Laberinto S. L., 2001).

Research interests: Social advertising on social networks. Influence of methods for the incentiveness of creativity in Advertising Creativity. Analysis of the effectiveness of product placement as a formula of commercial communication. Analysis of web pages of market segments. Cinematographic Imaginary: the representation of the advertising system.

Creative and creative director at various national and international agencies between 1986 and 2004.

Líneas de investigación: La publicidad social en las redes sociales. Influencia de los métodos de incentivación de la creatividad en la Creatividad Publicitaria. Medida de la eficacia del product placement como fórmula de comunicación comercial. Análisis de páginas web de segmentos de mercados. Imaginario cinematográfico: la representación del sistema publicitario.

Creativo y director creativo en diferentes agencias nacionales e internacionales entre 1986 y 2004.

Teresa C. Rodríguez García, Rey Juan Carlos University

Visiting Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University. PhD in Communication Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Author of the book Al filo de la verdad. Historias de la publicidad en el cine (On the edge of truth. Stories of advertising in cinema) (CIE Dossat, Madrid, 2005), and Product placement. Estrella invitada: la marca (Product placement. Guest star: the brand) (CIE Dossat, Madrid, 2003).

Research lines: Social advertising on social networks. Film narration and product placement. Analysis of the effectiveness of product placement as a formula of commercial communication. Cinematographic Imaginary: the representation of the advertising system.


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How to Cite

Arroyo Almaraz, I., Baños González, M., & Rodríguez García, T. C. (2009). Social advertising in the NGO of Cordoba (Argentina). Message construction profiles. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 1011–1029.


