The limits of information in the negotiated debates




television, political information, electoral debate


The Academy of Television was the allegedly neutral scenario for the organization of the debate between the PSOE and the PP of the Spanish general elections of March the 9th 2008, which were on air in February the 25th and March the 3rd. The analysis of both face to face between candidates José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Mariano Rajoy aims to know the circumstances implied in those meetings, to evaluate their utility, and to determine the degree of content and mise-en-scene predictability of these previously agreed dialectic confrontations. My interest is to check at what extent freedom of information is compatible with negotiated debates and the imposition of presenters without interventions. Protagonists knew questions in advance and had the security of not being disturbed with not negotiated questions. Together with content, I consider the context of celebration of these meetings between Zapatero and Rajoy as a key factor as long as Spanish television haven’t got a tradition for programs of political debate –last one was in 1992 between Felipe González and José María Aznar– and there were great expectations. Therefore one of my principal interests is to check if the debate rose to the occasion.


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Author Biography

Xosé Soengas Pérez, Santiago de Compostela University

1. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising.
2. Director of the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, USC.
3. Director of the Postgraduate Course “Audiovisual Communication in the Digital Age” in the academic years 97-98, 98-99, 99-2000, 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-2004 and 2004-05.
4. Member of the Postgraduate Commission of USC

Director of the following conferences
1. La formación de los comunicadores en el siglo XXI (The training of communicators in the XXI century). 1999.
2. El lenguaje multimedia (The multimedia language). 1999.
3. Plan de educación continua. Claves para comunicar mejor en el siglo XXI (Continuing Education Plan. Keys to communicate better in the XXI century). 1999.
4. La información radiofónica en el ámbito profesional y académico. Evolución histórica, situación actual y perspectivas de futuro (Radio information in the professional and academic fields. Historical evolution, current status, and future prospects). 2003.
5. Programación y audiencias en radio y television (Programming and audiences in radio and television). 2004.
6. 5 años de Ciencias de la Comunicación en Galicia: Prensa, foto, cine, radio, televisión, internet (15 years of Communication Sciences in Galicia: Press, photography, cinema, radio, television, and the Internet). 2006.
1. Professor of the M.A. in “Communication techniques in social services”, organized by the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid during the academic years 1997-98 and 99-2000.
2. Professor of the international thematic network on “Strategic Communication”, which involved the universities of Peru, the University of Panama, the Autonomous University of Mexico, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Seville, and the University Santiago de Compostela.

Ph.D. Thesis supervised:
1. La infraestructura tecnológica en los informativos de Televisión de Galicia: usos y aplicaciones en la realización de los informativos diarios (The technologic infrastructure in the TV news programmes in Galicia: uses and applications in the production of news programmes). Date of reading 8-5-98.
2. A importancia das ciencias da informaçao numa civilizaçao mediatica (The importance of information sciences in a media civilization). Date of reading 14-5-98.
3. Los contenidos de los espacios informativos de circuito en la radio en Galicia (1996-97) (The contents of radio news programmes in Galicia (1996-97)). Date of reading 3/11/2000.
4. Os informativos diarios nas televisións locais de Galicia. A información televisiva no espacio local. (New programmes in the local television of Galicia. The TV news on a local space). Date of reading 6/9/2001.
5. A educaçao no limiar do século XXI- A escola global. Análise das problemáticas da galáxia audiovisual e das novas tecnologias da informaçao e comunicaçao. (The education at the dawn of the XXI century- A global school. Analysis of the problems of the audiovisual galaxy and the new technologies of information and communication). Date of reading 25/1/2002.
6. Acçao psicológica a través dos mass media: (des)montagem de um processo de comunicaçao encoberta dirigida especialmente a um receptor (Psychological action through the mass media: (dis)assembly of a covert process of communication directed to a particular receptor). Date of reading 8/3/2002.
7. La construcción del derbi futbolístico Real Madrid C.F.-F.C. Barcelona en el discurso periodístico de El País y La Vanguardia entre 1996 y 2004. (The construction of the football classic Real Madrid vs. Barcelona in the journalistic discourse of El Pais and La Vanguardia between 1996 and 2004). Date of reading: 18 December 2006.
Outstanding Publications:
1. Los informativos diarios en las televisiones autonómicas (TVG, TV3 y ETB) (News programmes on regional television channels (TVG, TV3 and ETB). UAB. Bellaterra, 1993.
2. Falsos e información en la television (False events and information on TV), In Falso pero creíble. La metamorfosis mediática (False but credible. The media metamorphosis). Ediciones LEA. Santiago de Compostela, 1996.
3. Comunicación Audiovisual y Nuevas Tecnologías (Audiovisual Communication and New Technologies). (AA.VV). University of Málaga, 1998.
4. La Comunicación Audiovisual en la era digital (Audiovisual Communication in the Digital Age). López, X. y Soengas, X. (Eds.). University of Santiago de Compostela, 1999.
5. Comunicar en el siglo XXI (Communication in the XXI century). López, X. y Soengas, X. (Eds.). University of Santiago de Compostela, 2000.
6. El papel de la televisión de Galicia y de la Radio Gallega en la normalización lingüística (The Role of Galician Television and Radio in the normalization of the language), In A língua galega: historia e actualidade). Instituto da lingua Galega, 2000.
7. Nuevos formatos audiovisuales (New audiovisual formats), In Valores y medios de comunicación. De la innovación mediática a la creación cultural (Values and media. From media innovation to cultural creation). Ed. Edipo. Madrid, 2001.
8. La audiencia como factor determinante de las políticas de programación (The audience as determinant factor of programming policies). Ed. Laberinto. Madrid, 2002.
9. Informativos radiofónicos (Radio news programmes). Ed. Cátedra. Madrid, 2003.
10. El tratamiento informativo del lenguaje audiovisual (Informative treatment of audiovisual language). Ed. Laberinto. Madrid, 2003.
11. El periodista especializado: formación y características (The specialized journalist: formation and characteristics), In Estudios de Comunicación, N. 2, 2003.
12. La importancia de la tecnología en el proceso informativo: ventajas y peligros (The importance of technology in the information process: benefits and dangers). Ed. Universidad Fernando Pessoa. Porto, 2004.
13. La descodificación en la narración sonora: las imágenes auditivas (Decoding of audio narratives: audio imagery). Ed. Fundación General, Complutense University of Madrid, 2004.
14. La identidad gallega en las televisiones estatales y en la TVG (Galician identity in state television networks and TVG). Lusocom. Sao Paulo, 2005.
15. Los contenidos informativos en las televisiones generalistas (News content in mainstream TV networks). In En Ámbitos, N. 13-14, 2005.
16. El discurso radiofónico. Particularidades de la narración sonora (The radio discourse. Particularities of audio narrative. In Revista de Ciencias da Informação e da Comunicação. 2005.
17. El tratamiento informativo de los acontecimientos de relevancia extraordinaria (Informative treatment of events of extraordinary importance). In Estudios de Comunicación, N. 3-4, 2005.
18. Narrativa audiovisual (Audiovisual narrative). Ed. Laberinto. Madrid, 2006.
19. El control de la información en television (The control of information on television). In Ámbitos, N. 16, 2007.
20. El enfoque informativo. Los puntos de vista de una noticia en television (The informational approach. The viewpoints of a news story on TV). Ed. Laberinto. Madrid, 2008.

Research projects

1. Análisis territorial del grado de cobertura de los medios de comunicación audiovisual en Galicia (Territorial analysis of the degree of coverage of the audiovisual media in Galicia). 1992.

2. Evolución de los medios de comunicación en Galicia a partir de los años 80 (Evolution of the media in Galicia from the 1980s). 1995.

3. Tratamiento de los contenidos informativos en los medios gallegos durante 1998 (Treatment of informative content in the Galician media during 1998). 1999.

4. La audiencia de la radio (The radio audience). 1999.

5. Co-Director of the research team “Banco de datos de la televisión local en Europa” (Database of local television in Europe). 2000.

6. Director of the report “Análisis de los modelos de televisión educativa vigentes en el área española y latinoamericana” (Analysis of the existing models of educational television in Spanish and Latin American) commissioned by the National Centre for Information and Communication Education, an agency depending of the Ministry of Education. 2001.

7. La comunicación en las instituciones sin ánimo de lucro. Análisis para mejorar la eficiencia (Communication in non-profit institutions. Analysis to improve efficiency). 2002.

8. Análisis de contenidos, organizacional y formal de los medios de comunicación en línea en Galicia: experiencia y alternativas (Content, formal and organizational analysis of the online media in Galicia: experiences and alternatives). 2003.

9. Main leader of the R&D project “Los contenidos de los informativos de radio y de televisión. Tratamiento informativo, estético y de lenguaje” (The content of radio and television news programmes. Informational, aesthetic, and language treatment). Undertaken between 2003 and 2005.

10. Main leader of the project “Los contenidos informativos de los medios audiovisuales” (The information content of the audiovisual media). 2006.

Main Research Interests:

  • Audiovisual communication, audiovisual information, radio, television, programming and audiences


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Pérez-Martínez, V. M. (2009): “Multimedialidad e interactividad en la cobertura informativa de las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos de 2008 en los cibermedios españoles”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. Nº 64.

Sampedro, V., Jerez, A. y Tucho, F. (2000): Televisión y Urnas 2000, Políticos, periodistas y publicitarios. Manual didáctico. Servicio de Publicaciones UCM, Madrid.

Sampedro, V., Jerez, A. y Baer, A. (2000): Medios de Comunicación, consumo informativo y actitudes políticas en España. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Madrid.

Sampedro, V., Luengo, O. y Sánchez Duarte, J. M. (2004): “Agendas electorales y medios de comunicación en la Campaña de 2004”, en Montero, José Ramón; Torcal, Mariano y Lago, Ignacio. Las elecciones legislativas de 2004 en España. CIS. Madrid.

Soengas, X. (2007): “El control de la información en televisión”. Revista Ámbitos, número 16, pp. 325-341.



How to Cite

Soengas Pérez, X. (2009). The limits of information in the negotiated debates. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 988–999.




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