The locution of the sport broadcastings narrators in Spain


  • Francisco Javier Herrero Gutiérrez University of Salamanca
  • David Rodríguez Ramos University of Salamanca



sport, sport broadcasting, narrator, locution


It is obvious that today the sport information has an impressive presence in any media. In the four most important media, the chronicles of analysis prevail in the newspapers, Internet is based on the aptitude to offer instant information and the power of the television is based on the primacy of the image. About the radio, with this article, it is tried to offer the most important foundations on which the principal tool that does that this media is the chosen one for many fans to follow the sport broadcastings is sustained. This tool is the locution; it tool has been acquiring a series of characteristics and these characteristics convert the sport broadcastings into a wireless genre on its own, with some peculiarities different from the rest of genres. The sport narrators have developed a series of properties in their level of diction inside the retransfers that have derived in a locution used with a few special singularities, which are very attractive for the listener. To explain which are the particularities of the sport locutions it has been made across the analysis of fragments extracted from different sport broadcastings. From them, and taking as a base the principal narrator of the sports, the sonorous elements have been analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Herrero Gutiérrez, University of Salamanca

Graduated in Journalism from the Pontifical University of Salamanca (2005) and graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca (2007).

Doctoral student at the University of Salamanca since 2007, within the program "Audiovisual Communication, Technological Revolution and Cultural Change". In June 2009 he defended his thesis (Degree Work) entitled “Radio broadcasting sports. An approach at a triple level: textual, verbal and contextual ”, with which he obtains the qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude unanimously by the Court.

Other courses of interest taken: C.A.P. (Course of Pedagogical Aptitude), in 2006.

He has worked and collaborated with various local media, such as in the newspapers La Gaceta Regional de Salamanca, El Adelanto de Salamanca, Tribuna de Salamanca or the radio stations COPE Salamanca and Radio University (of Salamanca).

Outside the field of communication media, he has also collaborated as a scholarship recipient of the library of the Faculty of Communication of the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

Most relevant publications: (L) Co-author of the book (together with Isabel Herrera) Title: Plaza Mayor de Salamanca, Corazón de Piedra Legal deposit: S.1.565-2005 Number of pages: 215 Edited by Tribuna de Salamanca newspaper - Year 2005 (Article) Sole author Title: An approach to a hybrid methodological proposal between quantitative and qualitative for the study of sports broadcasts on Spanish radioIn International Journal of Sports Sciences, No. 15, April 2009 Pages 46-63. Volume V - Year V, ISSN: 1885 - 3137 Available online:


David Rodríguez Ramos, University of Salamanca

Degree in Humanities from the University of Salamanca (2006) and Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca (2006) through the Simultaneous Studies Program of the aforementioned University. He has completed the Pedagogical Aptitude Course at the University of Salamanca in the Geography and History modality, with a practical period at the I.E.S. "Francisco Salinas" from Salamanca.

In 2008 he obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies in the "Doctorate in Audiovisual Communication, Technological Revolution and Cultural Change" from the University of Salamanca.

In October 2005, he served as editor of "Diario Cumbre", a newspaper published daily by the University of Salamanca on the occasion of the XV Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government Salamanca 2005. In that same year, he participated as Assistant Researcher of the research entitled "Comparative study between Mexico and Spain on narrative persuasion processes through cinematographic productions", by Professor Juan José Igartua Perosanz, from the University of Salamanca.


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How to Cite

Herrero Gutiérrez, F. J., & Rodríguez Ramos, D. (2009). The locution of the sport broadcastings narrators in Spain. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 968–987.




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