Business model of the Internet newspaper company: The case of Prisa




Business model, media economics, cybermedia, on line media firm, newspaper companies, news industry


Newspaper companies are expanding their editorial business on the Internet, responding to the growth of this new market for providing   news. It is for this reason that within the large media groups a unit or business area has been created, aimed at integrating the emerging digital market in a coordinated way. The aim of this article is to outline some of the characteristics defining these newspaper companies, based on a study of the digital unit of the group Prisa, that is, Prisacom. The case study, combined with a review of the relevant literature, will help to define a reference model. In order to do this, firstly, the historical aspects on its origins will be reviewed. Then, the editorial structure and the characteristics of their production model will be described. Finally, based on the data collected, the business model of Prisacom will be taken into account, with a special focus on the revenue structure.


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Author Biography

María Nereida Cea Esteruelas, University of Málaga

Doctor in Information Sciences (Journalism) at the University of Navarra. Master in Digital Journalism (University of the Basque Country) and Master in Interactive Advertising (Complutense University).

She is a member of the Labcom research group at the University of Malaga. In the professional field, she has worked in La Verdad (Grupo Vocento), La Economía (Grupo Intereconomía), El Mundo (Unidad Editorial).

In the area of political and institutional communication, she was responsible for communication at the Murcia Chamber of Commerce and advisor to the Ministry of the Presidency of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia. Currently, she is a collaborator of Cinco Días.


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How to Cite

Cea Esteruelas, M. N. (2009). Business model of the Internet newspaper company: The case of Prisa. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 983–950.


