Communicative skills and attitude towards telework of chilean undergraduates


  • Luis Cárcamo-Ulloa Austral University of Chile



Telework, Episteme, Communicative Competitions, Chile, ICT's, High Education


In this article are explained the outstanding results of a not random or ex-post factum research done in Valdivia, Chile, to assess the communicative skills and attitudes towards telework that students of two different academic groups or epistemes (Science and Humanities) in the Austral University of Chile (AuCh) affirm having


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Author Biography

Luis Cárcamo-Ulloa, Austral University of Chile

Academic Director of the Master in Communication of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the Austral University of Chile. From 2003 onwards, he has been an Academic of the Institute of Social Communication of the Austral University of Chile.

Director of the research "Future temporal perspective of the students of the Austral University of Chile and the Autonomous University of Barcelona against the phenomenon of the Information Society", 2007. Project sponsored by the Research Directorate of the Austral University of Chile.

Director of the research "Perception of time and motivation in the face of information search tasks and computer-mediated text conferences (Chat) in secondary students in Chile", 2007. Project sponsored by the Research Department of the Austral University of Chile .

Director of the Fondecyt Project No. 11080298 "Communicative interactions versus search / download: Communicative dynamics in the uses of the internet by semi-rural and urban adolescents (Cases in the Metropolitan and Los Ríos Regions)".

Alternate Director of the Fondef project N ° D08I1074 Kelluwen: Research, development and validation of collaborative didactic designs supported by Web 2.0 services. Strategies for the development of socio-communicative competences in students of vulnerable schools and high schools in the Southern Southern Zone of Chile. 

Editor and collaborator of the Electronic Journal of Difusión Guion-Actualidad Faculty of Communication Sciences. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Likewise, he collaborates and evaluates the Pedagogical Studies Magazine. Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. Austral University of Chile.

Among the latest publications are: Cárcamo Ulloa, Luis Ramón et al. (2008): "Chilean digital natives: Young people, south of the Internet", in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 63, La Laguna (Tenerife): University of La Laguna.

Cárcamo Ulloa, Luis and Nesbet Montecinos, Felipe "The Messenger generation: Relevance of instant messaging in Chilean adolescence". Last decade, Aug 2008, vol.16, no.28, p.35-49. ISSN 0718-2236.

Cárcamo Ulloa, Luis; Cladellas Pros, Ramón and Estaun Ferrer, Santiago. "Estimation of time in Chilean secondary students in front of a spatial task developed in paper and computer formats". Stud. pedagogical. [on-line]. 2007, vol.33, n.2 [cited 2009-10-13], pp. 27-44.


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How to Cite

Cárcamo-Ulloa, L. . (2009). Communicative skills and attitude towards telework of chilean undergraduates. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 802–809.




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