Habits of use of videogames in Spain between older than 35 years
Videogames, Spain, 35 years, TechnologyAbstract
Videogames are showing a growing degree of social implantation, mainly in more developed countries. This circumstance is demonstrated because their influence is extended not only to younger groups but to all the society too. Altogether with innovations like television, internet o mobile telephony, videogames are contributing to change the traditional pattern of accessing and transmission of knowledge, that passes from reading written texts to viewing audiovisual and multimedia contents. This article, based in a research referred to more than 900 people, analyzes which is the degree of its penetration in Spain between older than 35 years and which are the habits of use of this technology between this group. In order to do this, the article exams items like habits of playing by ages, daily dedication, range of playing during day and week and aspects more valued in videogames.
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