Political and cultural tensions in the sprouting of the modern press in Latin America. The case of the newspaper La Nación


  • Carlos Ernesto Espeche National University of Cuyo




Press, policy, culture, ideology, Latin American


This work locates in the area of investigation of communication and history. It analyzes the present historical conditions between two moments in the history of the Latin American media in the century XIX: the press developed with the processes of liberating, it was characterized to make explicit its political roll in the discussion of ideas and it bids up it by the power; and the commercial press, that to the heat of the technical advances it was professionalized and it found in the idea of informative neutrality an effective tool of camouflage for the ideological dispute. It was at moment signed by the discussion between writers and reporters, the tensions between fiction and reality and the political confrontation about the roll of the journalists.


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Author Biography

Carlos Ernesto Espeche, National University of Cuyo

Graduated in Social Communication, graduated in 2000 from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National University of Cuyo.

He is a teacher and researcher at that university (Argentina), he participates in various academic research projects since 1998.

He is currently directing his second research project of his own. Since October 2008 he has been the director of the Social Communication career at the same house of study from which he graduated.

He is a full professor of the Seminar Workshop on Journalism and Planning in the Media, which is part of the mandatory curriculum of the career he directs. He is a doctoral student in Communication at the National University of La Plata (Argentina), currently in the final stage of writing his doctoral thesis. This postgraduate course was carried out within the framework of the Doctoral Scholarship granted by CONICET, the official scientific research body of Argentina.


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How to Cite

Ernesto Espeche, C. . (2009). Political and cultural tensions in the sprouting of the modern press in Latin America. The case of the newspaper La Nación. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 682–693. https://doi.org/10.4185/10.4185/RLCS-64-2009-854-682-693


