Interactivity and content as factors of enjoyment in interactive fictions




interactivity, interactive fictions, enjoyment, entertainment


A report is made of the conclusions of an experimental research whose objectives are: 1.- to explore the relationship between interactivity, content and enjoyment; 2.- to observe the relationship between enjoyment and the concepts of entertainment, pleasure and gratification, and 3.- to find out whether there is a relationship between enjoyment and the manifest intention of posterior consumption, the desire to pay per view and the success forecast of such fiction on television. 310 participants were assigned to one four experimental situations derived from the combination between the variables: modality of fiction (interactive or non-interactive) and content (happy or tragic ending). The results show that: a.- the content exerts a greater influence on the enjoyment of the narrative than does interactivity; b.- the concepts of enjoyment, entertainment and gratification, although related, describe different aspects of the consumption experience and that 3.- enjoyment is linked to the desire for ensuing consumption.


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Author Biographies

María Teresa Soto Sanfiel, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising.

She has a degree in Social Communication, Advertising Mention and R.R.P.P. (UCAB) (homologated to Lic. In Sciences of the Information, Section Journalism, UAB).

She has a Master's degree in New Audiovisual Technologies and Advertising (UAB) and a Master's in Interactive Communication (Telecommunications and Multimedia) (UAB).

Doctor in Audiovisual Communication (UAB). His research activity has developed on several fronts: the study of the voice (synthetic and natural) in mediated communicative areas, non-verbal communication, audiovisual perception, multimedia content (production and reception), interactive fictions, interactive television, scientific dissemination and entertainment. media.

She was the producer of the Barcelona Multimedia Möbius Award from its first edition (1995-2005). She is the director of iEnter. Workshop on Interactive Audiovisual Entertainment. She co-directs, together with Peter Vorderer, the Entertainment = Emotion workshop. She has worked as a producer and audiovisual journalist in Venezuela and Spain. She is the Prize for Research in Mass Communication from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Laura Aymerich Franch, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2005).

She is a PhD candidate in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and a pre-doctoral researcher in training at the consolidated research group GRISS (Grup de recerca en imatge, so i Síntesi) of the UAB.

She is currently developing her doctoral thesis on motivations of users to interact with interactive advertising on television.

Xavier Ribes Guàrdia, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising.

Doctor in Communication Sciences and Bachelor of Information Sciences (Advertising and Public Relations).

He has taught subjects related to New Technologies in the degrees of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and in various masters of this University.

He has been a professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and in postgraduate courses and non-face-to-face masters organized by the Postgraduate University Institute and the Open University of Catalonia, in which he has also participated as content author.

His publications are related to electronic media, interactivity, digitization, Internet and multimedia communication. His research activity is currently focused on the analysis of the main Spanish online media and the use of sound through the Internet. He is the Prize for Research in Mass Communication by the Generalitat de Catalunya.


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How to Cite

Soto Sanfiel, M. T. ., Aymerich Franch, L., & Ribes Guàrdia, X. (2009). Interactivity and content as factors of enjoyment in interactive fictions. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 668–681.


