Venezuelan Constitutional Amendment 2009 on Four National Front Pages


  • Klibis Marín Mejías Santa Rosa Catholic University Caracas



Press, observation, informative balance, Venezuela, referendum, Constitutional amendment


 The present investigation provides the results of an observation of media performed on the front pages of the four most important newspapers of national circulation in Venezuela: El Nacional, El Universal, Últimas Noticias and Diario Vea. The study was conducted for 16 days during the Approbatory Referendum for Constitutional Amendment, in February 2009. The study shows the partiality of the editorial line towards the `noO´ option and the low Informative Balance in the above mentioned newspapers.


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Author Biography

Klibis Marín Mejías, Santa Rosa Catholic University Caracas

She has a degree in Social Communication from the Central University of Venezuela (1999), a Master's in Social Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University (2007), with a Diploma in Preventive Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (2007). She is currently a doctoral student in Communication Media and Information Sciences at the University of Laguna, Tenerife.

Infociudadana and observer of the Information Society, researcher of Electronic Government as a tool for social inclusion, subject on which she develops her doctoral thesis.

She has participated as a speaker in national and international forums, such as the "II Congress of Venezuelan Researchers on Communication", "III International Congress of Blogs, E-participation and Journalism", "VI Biennial Iberoamericana de Comunicación" and the "First Latin American Forum: Systems, technologies and communications ”, among others.

Currently she works as Leader of the Online Government Portal of the National Center for Information Technologies and professor of Social Communication at the Santa Rosa de Lima University in Caracas.


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How to Cite

Marín Mejías, Klibis. 2009. “Venezuelan Constitutional Amendment 2009 on Four National Front Pages”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 64 (February):469-80.


