The digital dividend: challenges, opportunities and national positions


  • Mª Trinidad García Leiva Carlos III University of Madrid



Radio-frequency spectrum, Communication policies, Digital dividend, Digital radio and television, International Telecommunications Union


The management of the radio-frequency spectrum that has organized national and international broadcasting throughout the 20th century is under review. Not only there are new actors that demand a portion of this intangible and limited resource, but also a large and growing number of services put additional pressure on the traditional logics that regulate spectrum management. In this context, a key issue refers to the potential uses that will be given, as well as the benefits that will be obtained, from the amount of spectrum that will be freed up in the switchover from analogue to digital broadcasting. Therefore, the objective is to understand which are the opportunities and challenges the so called digital dividend will bring about: analyzing the transformations affecting traditional spectrum management, and considering the positions some countries are already developing (specially Spain and the United Kingdom).


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Author Biography

Mª Trinidad García Leiva, Carlos III University of Madrid

Doctor from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has been a research fellow at the Ministry of Education, an academic visitor at the University of Oxford and a professor at the University of Buenos Aires.

She currently works at the Carlos III University of Madrid, she is Secretary of ULEPICC-Spain and collaborates regularly with the publications IRIS-Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory and Telos. Among her most recent works are "Public policies and digital television" and "Cultural magazines and their digital future".

Her main lines of research are: Communication and culture policies and Cultural industries, especially in relation to the audiovisual sector.


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How to Cite

García Leiva, Mª Trinidad. 2009. “The digital dividend: challenges, opportunities and national positions”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 64 (February):424-36.


