Localization of international news in a global world
Foreign news, Globalization, Glocalization, Local news, National newsAbstract
This paper discusses the ways in which the events that establish our image of the world are localized. It analyzes scientific literature with regards to the influence of international structure on information from abroad and tension between local and national information, as well as the coordination of these elements in the process of globalization. It proposes four categories of information from abroad: international information (relations between states, war, diplomacy, international organizations); transnational information (international economic relations, transnational corporations); global (the problems of an interdependent world) and “glocal” (news and stories taken out of context that serve as a vehicle for cultural homogenization). These categories are applied in the empirical analysis of the broadcasting of TVE, the public Spanish TV channel. The results show that, in this case, the classical international information has already been overtaken by other categories of foreign news, with a significant presence of "glocal" news, very much in line with "neotelevision."
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