The Media´s Construction of Ecological Issues. Discursive Strategies in the News Reports


  • José Ignacio Lorente University of the País Vasco
  • José Enrique Antolín University of the País Vasco
  • Francisco Javier Doblas University of the País Vasco



environmental information, discourse analysis, public opinion


This work analyses the discursive strategies involved in the treatment of environmental information in the daily press. Special attention is given to the processes by which such strategies lend meaning to complex environmental tensions and disorders.

A semiotic-pragmatic approach is applied to the analysis of meaning construction processes in newscasts discourses. Agenda setting, framing, and priming procedures employed to delimit the interpretive frame of environmental conflicts are also analysed. Our results show how environmental tensions are treated as an imminent risk and a global threat. This treatment favours a normalized and institutionalized interpretive frame for ecological issues that is in confrontation with other alternative discourses and interpretations that could question it.


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Author Biographies

José Ignacio Lorente, University of the País Vasco

Doctor in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country. Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising.

Author, among other publications, of “The image of Urban Regeneration Concerning Bilbao: The City as Narrative and Experience”, Zer, Journal of Communication Studies (2007); "Representation and memory of the city", Bidebarrieta. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bilbao (2007); "Cities for sale: Let's talk about Bilbao", in Texts and Pretexts to rethink the social, Editorial Service of the University of the Basque Country (2008); Education on communication and the media's construction of sustainability: a semiotic approach to the discursive strategies and representations of sustainable development in news reports, ICERI (2008); Discursive Strategies in the Heuristic Reconstruction of Learning Objects Concerning the Knowledge of the Urban Environment, INTED (2008); Information management of environmental disorders: a semio-pragmatic approach to a pedagogy of the communications media, INTED (2009)

José Enrique Antolín, University of the País Vasco

Professor of the Department of Sociology, at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (UPV_EHU). Doctor and graduate in Sociology from the University of the Basque Country.

Research areas: urban sociology, ecology and communication. Author, among other publications, of “The image of Urban Regeneration Concerning Bilbao: The City as Narrative and Experience”, Zer, Journal of Communication Studies (2007); “Cities for sale: Let's talk about Bilbao”, in Texts and Pretexts to rethink the social, Editorial Service of the University of the Basque Country (2008); The environmental movement and the construction of the city, Bidebarrieta, Anuario de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (2001); The process of urbanization of rural land. The family home on undeveloped land. Basque Country University (2000).

Francisco Javier Doblas, University of the País Vasco

Professor E.U. of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (UPV-EHU).


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How to Cite

Lorente, J. I., Antolín, J. E., & Doblas, F. J. (2009). The Media´s Construction of Ecological Issues. Discursive Strategies in the News Reports. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 315–327.


