Service public television assessing. Comparison among the BBC and TVE


  • Mercedes Medina Laverón Navarra University
  • Teresa Ojer Goñi Villanueva de Gállego University Campus



public television, public service, audience service, audience feedback, innovation, corporate culture


Competition in the television market has grown in the last decades and specially, with the digital switch off and the new channels. As a consequence, the legitimization of the public television channels has become an argument of discussion.  In this paper, we will assess the public service fulfilment of two television corporations, BBC and TVE, in four specific aspects: audience service; diversity; technological improvement and social responsibility. The comparison will help to rise some practical suggestions in order to get a better public service.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Medina Laverón, Navarra University

Education: Doctor in Information Sciences from the University of Navarra (1991-1995). Master of Arts in Communication from the University of Westminster (London) (1993-94). Degree in Information Sciences in the journalism section from the University of Navarra (1986-91).

Research: she has dedicated her research activity to the evaluation of programs from the perspective of quality and audience, and to the strategies of audiovisual companies in Europe and America.

Publications: she is the author of the following books Marketing strategies of television companies in Spain (1997), Advertising valuation of television programs (1998), The European Television Production: Competition and Pluralism (2004), Structure and management of companies audiovisuals (2005), Quality of audiovisual content (2006), The Changing Media Business Environment (2008), Television series. Family Doctor, Cúentame y Los Serrano (2008) and Creating, producing and selling tv shows. The case of the most popular dramedies in Spain (2009).

She has carried out the following stays: research at the University of Westminster (London) from 1993 to 1994 and at the University of Missouri (United States) in 1995; and teaching given at the University of Piura (Peru) in 1999; Universidad Panamericana (Mexico) in 2006; La Sabana (Colombia) and Los Andes (Chile) in 2008.

Teresa Ojer Goñi, Villanueva de Gállego University Campus

TRAINING European Doctor in Audiovisual Communication (Outstanding Cum Laude): "The BBC as a model of corporate governance, financing and quality of content", University of Navarra (2007). Master in Media Management from the University of Stirling (Scotland) (2005). Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Navarra (2002).

PUBLICATIONS OJER, Teresa (2008) “Quality in BBC television programs”, Comunicación y Pluralismo, nº 6, pp. 9-36. OJER, Teresa (2007) “The commercial activities of the BBC as part of its financing system”, pp. 193-210, in MORENO, Elsa et al., The challenges of public television in Europe, Pamplona: Eunsa. OJER, Teresa (2004) “Some lessons from the Kelly case”, Perspectives, nº 22, pp. 4-5.

RESEARCH Participation in the Project Globalization and pluralism: role of public TV in the European audiovisual market, Faculty of Communication, University of Navarra (2002-2004).


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How to Cite

Medina Laverón, Mercedes, and Teresa Ojer Goñi. 2009. “Service public television assessing. Comparison among the BBC and TVE”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 64 (January):275-99.




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