Family Television Series: Concept, Production and Exportation. The case of Médico de Familia


  • Mónica Herrero Subías University of Navarra
  • Patricia Diego González University of Navarra



television, fiction, cultural product, entertainment, TV series


For this article we will study the economic foundations of television series as audiovisual products and from there the case of the Spanish dramedy Médico de Familia and its Latin commercialization. We will begin by considering television series as entertainment audiovisual products. Fiction series belong to the category of audiovisual products and thus comprise cultural products that draw on the potential afforded by the art of communication keeping in mind that these series are entertainment products. The features which define them as both audiovisual and entertainment products allow for the adaptations and direct sales on a speculative and practical basis. The study will focus on family series which are defined by their content and audience. We will pay special attention to the main characteristics which enable television series to succeed beyond local frontiers, especially in regions where the culture and language are similar.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Herrero Subías, University of Navarra

Mónica Herrero is Dean of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra and professor of Informative Business and Structure of Journalism.

She obtained a European Doctorate in 2002 and a Master in Media Management from the University of Stirling (Scotland).

She was Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication from 2004 to 2008. Her research activity focuses on the economics of audiovisual products and communication markets.

Patricia Diego González, University of Navarra

Patricia Diego is a professor of Television Fiction Programming and Production at the Faculty of Communication, where she combines her teaching tasks with the Sub-directorate of the Master of Management in Communication Companies (MGEC).

Her research activity focuses on fiction production and the television market.


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How to Cite

Herrero Subías, M. ., & Diego González, P. . (2009). Family Television Series: Concept, Production and Exportation. The case of Médico de Familia. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 238–247.




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