Local television stations in the Basque Country in Internet


  • Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva University of the Basque Country
  • María Teresa Santos Díez University of the Basque Country




Television stations, Local websites, Cybermedia, Interactive television, Multimedia journalism, Local mass media


As it is happening with all mass media, the future of local televisions inevitably depends on the Internet. Local media have found in the new technologies a way to defy their natural communication space. Thanks to Internet, territory disappears as a geographical limit; it allows local media to reach a wider audience, placing them alongside large media companies and increasing their competition chances. For this reason, in recent years many television stations have shown an interest in this area and have developed a website. In this investigation the authors analyze the presence of local television stations of the Basque Country in the Web and study whether they fully exploit the resources at their disposal in the cyberspace.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva, University of the Basque Country

Doctor in Information Sciences and associate professor in the Department of Journalism II of the UPV-EHU.

He has collaborated in articles such as "Municipal websites of the Basque Country and Navarra: Importance of the dimension of services and delay in the informational aspect" (Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 2007); "Institutional and service communication. The municipal web pages of the Spanish provincial capitals" (Análisi, 2006); "The graphical user interface and purchase orientation in computer consumer magazines: The case of Computer Hoy" (Zer, 2006); "The development of local television in Vizcaya" (Studies on the Journalistic Message, 2004).

María Teresa Santos Díez, University of the Basque Country

University Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication. Department of Journalism II.

She is the author of the books: Commercial Radios. Free waves (1994); Informational tasks in radio (1996); High and low frequency radio (1996); Free Basque press. Information or publicity (1996); The Basque radio (1999); The press and the readers. The myth of influence. (Together with other authors) (2000); The free press in the Basque Country. (2001); Radio journalism (2004) and The rise of the free press in Spain (2008).

In addition to various articles on local media, including: "Free newspapers in the CAV" (2001) Studies on the Journalistic Message; "Free newspapers with specialized content in the CAV" (2001), Ámbitos / Revista Latina de Comunicación Social [http: /www.ull.es/publicaciones/latina/Ambitos9/art20.htm]; "Municipal stations in the Basque Country" (2002) Ámbitos, 9 / Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 47.

[http: /www.ull.es/publicaciones/latina47febrero/4703santos.htm - ISSN: 1138-5820]; "Origin and development of FM stations that broadcast without administrative concession in the Basque Country" (2003); "The free press expands in Spain" (2005) Studies on the Journalistic Message. María Teresa Santos Díez together with Jesús Ángel Pérez Dasilva is also the author of "The consolidation of local television channels in the Basque Country" (2004) in Ámbitos and "The development of local television in Vizcaya" in Studies on Journalistic Message ( 2004).


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How to Cite

Pérez Dasilva, J. Ángel, & Santos Díez, M. T. . (2009). Local television stations in the Basque Country in Internet. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 192–202. https://doi.org/10.4185/10.4185/RLCS-64-2009-816-192-202




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