Political expression of the Galician identity at vote: the Galician nationalism’s influence





Political Communication, Public Opinion, Galicia, Identity, Nationalism, Vote tendency


In this article we put into question the commonly accepted assumption in which electoral votes for nationalist political parties are taken as an indicator of the level of nationalistic identity on public opinion. In order to do this, we analyze the case of Galicia. First, we describe the strategy deployed since the 50's by the"galeguista" movement, through which it attempted to revitalize a nationalistic consciousness on the majority of the population without linking this consciousness to any particular political ideology. The explicit goal of this strategy was to allow, once democracy was restored, the expression of this national consciousness in a plural way and liberalization to any political option. Then, we examine the results of the first regional elections in Galicia and we confirm that nationalist votes are distributed among all political parties and that, in fact, state parties are the ones that achieve the majority of nationalist votes. As a conclusion, we point out the existence of an alternative political way from nationalistic consciousness, an alternative that questions the assumption that links regionalist feeling political vigour with the votes obtained by nationalist political parties.


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Author Biographies

Xosé Ramón Rodríguez-Polo, Rey Juan Carlos University

Xosé Ramón Rodríguez-Polo is a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences 2 at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid.

Doctor in Communication from the University of Vigo, he has been a visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science at Trinity College, Dublin and Visiting Professor at the Institute of Journalistic Studies at the University of Coimbra.

His lines of research are public opinion, political communication and communication theories. He has just published Ramón Piñeiro e a estratexia do galeguismo (Xerais, Vigo, 2009).

Manuel Martín Algarra, University of Navarra

Professor of Theory of Communication and Information. In 1986, after completing the Bachelor's Degree in Information Sciences, the Ministry of Education awarded him the First National Prize for Completion of Studies. That same year he presented his Bachelor's Thesis, for which he obtained an Extraordinary Bachelor's Prize. In 1991 he defended his Doctoral Thesis at the University of Navarra, under the direction of Prof. Esteban López-Escobar, which earned the distinction of Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

He took the first steps in his academic career as an intern and collaboration fellow while studying for the degree. In 1986, already graduated, he joined the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra as an Assistant of Theory of Communication. In addition to teaching, academic advice and research, during those first years he was attached to the Faculty Studies Directorate, in charge of the Department L (communication) of the Library, Secretary of the first Board of Directors of the Department of Public Communication, Secretary General, with Prof. Álvaro de la Rica, from the VII International Conference on Information Sciences in 1992 (today CICOM), etc.

In 1994 he moved to the University of Vigo after obtaining a position as University Professor to teach at the recently created Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, on the Pontevedra Campus. In 2003 he won the Chair in Communication and Information Theory. During his stay at the University of Vigo, he carried out, together with teaching and research, other university tasks: Secretary of the Doctoral Commission, Secretary of the Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Communication, Director of the Departmental Section of Communication and Director of the Group of Research in Communication (ICOM).

He has participated as a principal investigator and as a researcher in various research projects funded by public and private organizations. His research deals with the theoretical foundations of communication. In this field he dedicates a good part of the books, articles and other research works of which he is the author or co-author. He is also interested in public communication campaigns, especially in the field of communication and health.

In the 2004-2005 academic year he joined the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra, in whose Bachelor's degrees and Doctorate program he teaches. Since 2005 he has been Deputy Director of the Department of Public Communication and since 2007 Director of the Doctoral Program.

In 2004 he was elected President of the Spanish Newspaper Society and in 2006 he was renewed. He has been a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Yale University and a Visiting Scholar at the College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Polo, X. R., & Martín Algarra, M. . (2009). Political expression of the Galician identity at vote: the Galician nationalism’s influence. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 136–142. https://doi.org/10.4185/10.4185/RLCS-64-2009-811-136-142




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