Obama, in the mirror of the America Latina Press





Mediatic covering, Barack Obama, Latin American press, complaisant press, without criticism, laziness journalism


In this written, was done a description and analysis over the mediatic  covering directed to Barack Obama as elected president of the United States of America in the main national journals from Latin America. In particular between November 2008 and January 2009, were checked the journals: Clarín from Argentina, El Mercurio from Chile, Ultimas Noticias de Venezuela, and Excélsior, Reforma and Milenio from Mexico In this article were explained causes that have generated Obama as has been converted in mediatic phenomenon around the world with characteristics of political celebrity in Latin America. As conclusion Latin American press has been covered only the actions and movements related to Obama and his family and many of this very close to trivial and anecdotal, transforming in certain way critical sense maintained for journal lines press over the last presidents of United States.


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Author Biographies

Andrés Valdez Zepeda, University of Guadalajara

Andrés Valdez Zepeda is a doctor in Latin American studies from the University of New Mexico and a professor at the University of Guadalajara and ITESO in Mexico.

He is the author of the books Public Marketing (2006) and Exchange Processes in Public Space (2008). azepeda@cucea.udg.mx

Rogelio Rivera Fernández, University of Guadalajara

Rogelio Rivera Fernández is a doctor in administrative sciences from the National Polytechnic Institute and a professor and researcher at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico), with a Promep profile. rogelioriverafernandez@msn.com


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How to Cite

Valdez Zepeda, . A. ., & Rivera Fernández, R. . (2009). Obama, in the mirror of the America Latina Press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 120–126. https://doi.org/10.4185/10.4185/RLCS-64-2009-809-120-126


