Telephone helpline services for women and the elderly people. Different range in the Autonomous Regions




telephone, elderly people, women, different treatment, public administration


Over the last twenty years, Spanish Public Administration has been implementing different telephone helpline services aimed at groups which, according to certain circumstances, are identified as especially vulnerable. This paper describes and compares the public telephone services aimed at women and elderly people  in the Autonomous regions. The results of this descriptive study, which refers to 2007, show that the Public Administration doesn’t provide an  equal range as regards the attention offered to the specific requests made by each social group. These social groups have been analysed according to the public visibility of the problems which affect them. Furthermore, the research has revealed the resistance offered by certain institutions when it comes to providing public information. The research also shows the lack of homogeneity as regards the collection of data which provides information about user profiles and how these services are used.


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Author Biographies

María Cruz López de Ayala López, Rey Juan Carlos University

Mª Cruz López de Ayala López has a degree in Sociology (UCM) and a PhD in Communication Sciences (URJC). She is currently an interim professor at the University of the Advertising Area (URJC).

Since the 1995 academic year, he has taught, among others, the subjects "Social Structure of Spain", "Social Structure", "Sociology", "Consumer Sociology", "Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility" and "Theory of Communication" (Center of Higher Social and Legal Studies Ramón Carande, UCM; Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, URJC and Faculty of Communication Sciences, URJC).

He has participated in research projects related to the social aspects of information and communication technologies ("Study on the uses of the Internet among minors in the Community of Madrid. Risks and characteristics", URJC-Community of Madrid, January-December 2009; “The telephone as an instrument of social service”, France-Telecom Foundation, March 2007 to September 2008; “Spanish Society and Information and Communication Technologies”, CIS, January-December 1998).

Representative of Spain for the URJC in the European Action COST 269 “User aspects of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies)”, 1999-2004. She has also presented articles and papers on the topics of family, consumption, and information and communication technologies.

Clara Muela Molina, Rey Juan Carlos University

Clara Muela Molina is a Doctor in Information Sciences (1996, UCM) and an Interim Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, branch of Advertising and Public Relations (URJC). She is the author of two books and several articles, she has also participated in both national and international conferences. She is a member of the Research Group on Communication, Society and Culture (GICOMSOC) of the Rey Juan Carlos University from which she teaches classes in the Official Master of Communication and Sociocultural Problems and has collaborated in and directed research projects.

Main areas of study of it: radio advertising, advertising on the Internet and other media, advertising creativity and sound production

Ángeles Fernández Martínez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Department of Communication Sciences I. Faculty of Communication Sciences, Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Camino del Molino s / n, C. P. 28943, Fuenlabrada-Madrid. Telephone: 914888396 and 654707598.

Ángeles Fernández Martínez has a degree in Journalism (UCM) and a PhD in Communication Sciences (URJC). Since 1982 she has held the position of Director of Communication of the Spanish Union of Cooperative Agricultural Credit Entities (UNESCAR), National Union of Consumer and User Cooperatives and Union of Cooperative Wineries.

He has directed the magazines "Boletín de la Unión", "IBER-COOP" and "Inforvino", has coordinated the edition of the "Revista de Economía Social" and has been collaborating with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) to correction and editing of publications in the Spanish language.

Currently he is an interim professor at the University of the Area of ​​Journalism (URJC), where he has taught the subjects "Fundamentals of Public Relations", "Introduction to Advertising" and Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility ".

He is a member of the Research Group on Communication, Society and Culture (GICOMSOC) of the Rey Juan Carlos University, where he has developed, among others, the projects "The telephone as an instrument of social service" (France-Telecom Foundation) and "Monitoring and evaluation of the agreement to promote self-regulation on television content and childhood ”(Ministry of the Presidency).


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How to Cite

López de Ayala López, María Cruz, Clara Muela Molina, and Ángeles Fernández Martínez. 2009. “Telephone helpline services for women and the elderly people. Different range in the Autonomous Regions”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 64 (January):86-98.




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