The Impact of Technology on Film Exhibition: the Slow Road to Digital Theatre




Film Exhibition, Digital Cinema, Film Industry, Technology, Digitalization, Digital Projection, Digital Distribution, Digital Technology, Film Theatre, Digital Theatre


Digital Cinema is a demonstrable reality that has been in use for almost a decade. The process of digitalisation in the film industry has been mainly conditioned by technological and economic factors. In the case of the exhibition sector, the abovementioned factors have also caused a significant delay with regard to the first link in the chain and, more specifically, post-production. Through critical examination, this paper analyses the main opportunities and threats that digitalisation entails for the exhibition sector in what is considered to be a weak film industry, the case of the Spanish industry, where despite the advances achieved, caution prevails with regard to technological restructuring in the most important circles. We use empirical methodology to analyse the overall situation in the sector; our results suggest the key factors that explain the slow process followed by cinemas in the transition to digitalisation.


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Author Biography

Jessica Izquierdo Castillo, Jaume I University

PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the Jaume I University of Castellón, a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Jaume I University of Castellón and a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia.

She has dedicated a good part of her research work to the technological development of the audiovisual system, with special attention to the film industry.

Within this line, she has participated in various national and international congresses. She is part, among others, of the research team of the "Observatory on New trends and innovation processes in communication" and in the group of "Research in technologies applied to audiovisual communication- (ITACA), both of the Jaume I University. She is currently working on the project "The representation of the Valencian Courts in television news", financed by the Generalitat Valenciana.


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How to Cite

Izquierdo Castillo, J. . (2009). The Impact of Technology on Film Exhibition: the Slow Road to Digital Theatre. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 43–56.


