Agenda setting in mass media: Consequences at the Marín-Nacif-Cacho media scandal




Media Agenda, Civic Culture, Human Rights, Credibility Gap


This study examines one of the most important media scandals in the recent of Mexico, where the public agenda discussed the human rights violation at the journalist Lydia Cacho by the government of Puebla to favour a businessman signed of protect an international network of child pornography. Despite the political pressure of parties, some media and different social groups, the National Court of Justice evidenced the inappropriate legal instruments to blame those responsible people and allow impunity. The study is based on agenda setting theory and other related, which provide methodologies needed to understand the construction and incidence of topics in public opinion and its implications in the political culture of citizens.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Meyer Rodríguez, Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla

José Antonio Meyer Rodríguez. Mexican. Doctor in Information Sciences (University of La Laguna, Spain).

He is a member of the Ibero-American Academic Network of Communication, the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers and the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers.

He is a teacher and researcher at universities in the country and abroad, as well as an evaluator of academic programs on Communication. Professor at the Popular University of the State of Puebla (Mexico), UPAEP.

He is the author of various publications and articles in national and international refereed magazines.


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How to Cite

Meyer Rodríguez, J. A. (2009). Agenda setting in mass media: Consequences at the Marín-Nacif-Cacho media scandal. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (64), 15–28.




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