Infographics in Digital Journalism




computer graphics, info-digital journalism, infographics (or informative graphs), digital; visual journalism, graphic accounts, visual genre


Digital infographics appeared at the end of the twentieth century, within the context of information technology, and has become one of the most important forms of informative and documentary presentations. The tremendous communicative leap that cyber-media has implied has not been lower than one of its fundamental products: digital infographics.

Nonetheless, it cannot be properly developed in a period of transition because it is neither fully recognized, nor devised with communicative criteria, neither readers are able to easily access to it nor a leading role is given in the media.

The computer graphics professionals, often brought up at art schools, are faced with the dilemma of elaborating precise communicative products, while sacrificing beauty or other forms of aesthetic expression. For this reason their training must be multiple as they are before a very complex profession.

Digital infographics could stand out, precisely for its kinetic possibilities, as one of the best ways to show or recount the present time. In fact, it allows descriptive thematic, narrative or even interpretative presentations, without any more limitations than the ones proper of large audiovisual media.

All seems to indicate that it has not still come of age, and despite its youth, it is on the way to becoming an important way of presentation or even an informative gender with proper characteristics, as is being recognised by readers.


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Author Biography

José Luis Valero Sancho, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 2002.

He has been teaching alternately since 1992 in the subjects of Journalism: Graphic Design, Art Direction in Press, Design, Visual Composition and Technology in Press and Graphic Design and Art Direction in Audiovisual Communication.

Specialized in visual communication development issues, he has researched infographic and graphic design products in the press, internet and television.

Doctoral seminars: Infographics in the press and The story in digital infographics Director of the UAB-EUSS master's degree entitled "Arts and graphic industries" Director of the postgraduate course at the UAB entitled "Informative and documentary graphics" President of the Catalan Society of Infographics.

Member of the committee of experts of the Generalitat de Catalunya for the elaboration and follow-up of the vocational training cycles of Graphic Arts in Catalonia. Member of the Spanish Society of Journalism (SEP)

Some publications: Valero, J.L. (Editor). (2006): Journalism, engine of culture and peace, Bellaterra: Publications Service of the Autonomous University of Barcelona --- (2003a): Design and art direction in periodicals, Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona --- (2003b): "The story in digital infographics", in J. Díaz Noci et R. Salaverría: Cyberjournalistic writing manual, Barcelona: Ariel --- (2001): The infographic. Techniques, analysis and journalistic uses, Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Valero Sancho, J. L. (2008). Infographics in Digital Journalism. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 492–504.




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