The meaning of work of the future advertising workforce. A gender-based analysis




Labour changes, Feminization, Human capital, Turnover, Talent retention


In the Information Society, recruiting and retaining the workforce is a driving force for companies whose productivity depends on their human capital. In particular, in the commercial communication industry, the added value that advertising provides to products and services is linked with their workforce’s intellectual skills (increasingly feminized). With this background, we have recognized the need of analysing the workforce demands differentiated by gender. Studies on the psychological contract have shown that, nowadays, the remuneration expected by workers is not only of financial nature and one factor to help attract and maintain professionals is to know their attitude towards work. The aim of this study, focusing on gender, is to analyse the meaning of work for 473 advertising undergraduate students before they enter the labour market, a key moment for developing attitudes towards work. The results indicate that work is regarded by these students as a core value in life, particularly among women. Gender differences in the importance given to family, spare time and community reveal the perpetuation of gender stereotypes. However, these students feel they are entitled to work and they demand participation in the decision-making processes within the company.


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Author Biographies

Alejandra Hernández Ruiz, University of Alicante

Doctor in Advertising and Public Relations, from the University of Alicante (2008). She has been an assistant at the University of Murcia; She currently teaches, at the University of Alicante, the practical credits of Deontology of Advertising and Public Relations. She has participated in research projects related to the employment structure of the advertising sector, with a gender perspective; she currently participates in a project on the social construction of the conciliation problem. Her main lines of research include issues such as the remodeling of the Advertising and Public Relations degree curriculum to adapt it to the EHEA, the expectations of family and work life of students and the role of education in gender equality.

Marta Martín Llaguno, University of Alicante

Dra. In Information Sciences from the University of Navarra. She joined the Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Alicante, UA, in 1997.

She has been Vice Dean of Studies and International Relations of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Alicante.

She is Professor of the University of Advertising Deontology and General Theory of Information in the Area of ​​Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Alicante.

She has been responsible for 10 years for the subjects of Advertising Deontology and Introduction to Social Communication and for the Doctorate program on Social Welfare and Inequalities.

She is a member of the sixth section of the Advertising Self-Control Jury.

He has recognized a section of research and his preferred lines of research have been "Fundamentals and ethics of communication" with special attention to gender issues and health communication and has directed projects on sexual discrimination in communication companies and on violence gender and media.

She has been a visiting professor at the University of Piura (Peru), at the Catholic University of Buenos Aires and a visiting researcher at IESE Business School and the City University of New York (USA).

Marina Beléndez Vázquez, University of Alicante

Doctor in Psychology (University of Murcia, 1995). Professor of Work Psychology at the School of Labor Relations of the University of Alicante, UA.

Her lines of research in recent years have been developed in parallel on various topics of interest within the fields of Organizational Psychology and Health Psychology, being she a member of the “European Health Psychology Society”.

She is currently a member of the research team "Communication and Knowledge Society" of the UA.

She has directed and / or participated in various funded research projects, such as "Emerging Health Concerns and Beliefs in the Knowledge Society" or "Women in the Advertising Company".

She is the author of various scientific articles published in prestigious international journals such as "Psicothema" or "International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology".


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How to Cite

Hernández Ruiz, Alejandra, Marta Martín Llaguno, and Marina Beléndez Vázquez. 2008. “The meaning of work of the future advertising workforce. A gender-based analysis”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 63 (June):331-40.




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