On research in Public Relations





Public relations, research, research approaches, quantitative research, qualitative research, communication research


The investigation constitutes one of the forms to improve the public relations continuously (RRPP). For that reason, this article bets to retake the investigation processes to consolidate the discipline, and explains the types of investigation at great length (basic, introspective and applied) that is used in RRPP. Also it reflects on the approaches of investigation (pursuits of a created atmosphere, audits of public relations, audits in communication, ethnographies and the studies of case), the techniques (analysis of content, focal analyses of the speech, focus groups or survey), and the instruments (questionnaires, tests or experiments), that they must be used in this discipline. Part of the principle of which the investigation, in all its phases, is the transforming element of the public relations. Today it is not possible to start up successful program of RRPP but leans continuously in the investigation. The investigation marks the viability of a RRPP program. The intuition, the inspiration and the improvisation, as only elements of support, must stay in the past, and must be replaced by the scientific research.


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Author Biography

Sarelly Martínez Mendoza, Autonomous University of Chiapas

Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), level 1, and of the State System of Researchers (SEI).

He completed a degree in Journalism at the Carlos Septién García School of Journalism and a master's degree in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Social Sciences from the UNAM.

He has a doctorate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has published La Prensa Maniatada (Manuel Buendía Foundation and Government of the State of Chiapas, 2004); Hemerographic Index of Chiapas 1827-1946 (CONACYT and University of Guadalajara, 2004), and Contemporary Journalism in Chiapas (Fundación Manuel Buendía, 2006).

Within its Academic Body of Communication Studies in the Southern Border, of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, cultivates the line of investigation Public Communication and History of journalism.

Published articles:

Around research in public relations


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How to Cite

Martínez Mendoza, S. (2007). On research in Public Relations. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (62), 102–116. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-62-2007-734-102-116




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