The Political Economy of informational research




Political economy of communication, research, information society, digital communication, Internet


This paper presents an analysis of the actors that today are pushing the main research activities in the so-called information society and digital communication fields (referred here as informational research). This analysis shows a narrow link between informational research and several economic and corporative sectors, which are generating the dominant discourse on these fields. The paper argues that the current informational research presents the same limitations as the USA administrative research of the 20 th Century, due to the same out-of-context approach also focused mainly on the effects


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Author Biography

Núria Almirón Roig, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Doctor in Periodism and licensed in Communication Sciences and Political Science by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She has been professionally practicing for a decade in the field of written journalism and since 2002 she has been a professor of Journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her research activity focuses on the political economy of communication.

She is a member of the Conflict Observatory at UAB, and a collaborator at the Incom-UAB Communication Institute.

Among other texts, she is the author of Los amos de la globalización. Internet and power in the information age (Barcelona: Plaza Janés, 2002), From Vannevar Bush to the WWW (Valencia: 3i4, 2001) and Juicio al poder (Madrid: Temas de Hoy, 2003), co-author of El digital myth (Barcelona: Anthropos, 2007) and co-editor of Press Subsidies in Europe (Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya, 2006).

Published articles:

The values of journalism in digital convergence: civic journalism and the fifth power.

The political economy of informational research


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How to Cite

Almirón Roig, N. (2007). The Political Economy of informational research. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (62), 197–217.


