The argumentation in the political propaganda of the campaign of the Venezuelan elections of 2005


  • Oscar Alberto Morales Pompeu Fabra University
  • Ernesto Ilich Marín Altuve University of Los Andes, ULA, Mérida



Strategies of argumentation, possible worlds, political discourse, Venezuela, electoral campaign, legislative elections, Punto Fijo, Hugo Chavez Frías, political propaganda, Bolivarianic Republic


This study analyzes the strategies of argumentation used in the campaign of the legislative Venezuelan elections, 2005. Two blocks participated: “Official parties” and the opposition. The advertising is associated with Chavez’s permanence in the government. “The officialism” proposes possible worlds (PW) inhabited by facts, truths and presuppositions, connected by means of argumentative strategies of link. Chávez is the central topic. The opposition presents opposite PW: Chavez’s government as negative, and proposes a future PW without him. In conclusion, the strategies of argumentation used presuppose Chavez’s victory in the elections of 2006. This electoral contest was going to offer the legal bases that would allow Chavez’s staying in power or would impede it.


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Author Biographies

Oscar Alberto Morales, Pompeu Fabra University

Assistant Professor of Reading and Writing, Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela). Address: calle 24, between Av. 2ª and 3ª, Faculty of Dentistry, Research Department. Merida, Merida State, Venezuela.

Phone: 58-274-2402379; Fax: 58-274-2402379; -

Personal website:

University studies at the Universidad de Los Andes in 1989. In April 1995, he graduated in Education, Major in English. In 1997, he began the Master's Degree in Education, Mention in Reading, at the University of Los Andes (ULA) and graduated in 2000. Since 2005, he has been in the doctoral program "Multilingual Communication" at the Pompeu Fabra University , Barcelona, ​​Spain.

He has developed research projects (funded by the Council for Scientific, Humanistic and Technological Development of the ULA and by UPF), in the lines of research: a) Development of reading and writing in the university environment, b) Formative evaluation , c) Teacher training and updating, d) Written academic discourse, e) Scientific discourse on Dentistry, f) Promotion of reading, and g) Venezuelan political discourse.

He received recognition for the national research of Venezuela PPI level I and level II, 2003 and 2005; CONABA, 2003; PEI of the ULA, 2004 and 2006.

Since 1991, he has served as a professor of English and Spanish and Literature in public and private institutions in Trujillo and Mérida, Venezuela. Currently, he works as an assistant professor of Reading and Writing at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad de Los Andes.

He has published more than 40 articles on reading, writing, teacher training, evaluation and discourse analysis at different educational levels in the following magazines: Foula, Leganda, Educere, Fermentum, Kaleidoscopio, Ensayo y Error, Letras, Acta Odontológica de Venezuela, Reading and Life.

He has presented more than 30 papers in different national and international calls, some of which have been published in the respective proceedings (International Reading and Writing Symposium, Venezuela; Reading and Life, Argentina; National Congress of Reading and Writing and the World Congress of the IBBY, Colombia; Latin American Congress for the Development of Reading and Writing, Mexico; Latin American Congress of Discourse Analysis, Mexico; Critical Discourse Analysis and AELFE; Spain). He has been invited to do internships at the Department of Spanish Philology at the University of Granada, Spain, and to give a series of conferences and workshops in some Argentine universities (University of Buenos Aires, University of Luján, University of Tandil, University of the Northeast of Corrientes) and at the Ceferino Namuncurá Foundation, Puerto Madryn, Patagonia, Argentina.

Ernesto Ilich Marín Altuve, University of Los Andes, ULA, Mérida

Dentist, specialist in Endodontics, both from the University of Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela (ULA).

Since 2005, he has been studying in the "Research Doctorate in Stomatology" program at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Granada, Spain. Since 2001 he has been a professor of Dental Anatomy, Axis of Comprehensive Dental Practice and Self-development at the ULA School of Dentistry.

Co-responsible and collaborator in the development of multiple research projects funded by the Council for Scientific, Humanistic and Technological Development (CDCHT-ULA) in the lines of research: a) Dental morphological analysis, b) Physics and chemistry of endodontic dental materials, c) Development of reading and writing in the university environment, d) Formative evaluation, e) Written academic discourse, f) Scientific discourse of Dentistry, g) Discriminatory discourse and, h) Venezuelan political discourse.

He has articles published in the following magazines: EDUCERE, Acta Odontológica Venezolana, Ensayo y Error, FOULA and Revista Latina de Comunicación Social.

He is a speaker at different national and international scientific events. Recognitions as researcher and teacher: Research Promotion Program (PPI) candidate level 2005 call and Researcher Stimulus Program (PEI) 2005 call.


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How to Cite

Morales, O. A., & Marín Altuve, E. I. (2006). The argumentation in the political propaganda of the campaign of the Venezuelan elections of 2005 . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (61), 210–225.


