Imaginaries and migration Poblanos in New York


  • José Antonio Meyer Rodríguez Autonomous University of Puebla



imaginary, migration, poblanos, hispanic


The new theoretical approaches on the migratory phenomenon, weigh the operative forms of social relationship in the crossing of borders and rethink the perception of sovereignty from the multiple transformations that global processes impose on national states. Likewise, they conceive the emergence of a new social space as a result of very varied relationships arising from the continuous movement of workers outside their national borders, as well as a different representation of the space that migrants pass through in which, through the constant round-trip border flow and the increasing use of an expanding telecommunications system, the subjects reproduce their affective ties and contact with the communities of origin in the reception area. The processes of constant circulation of people, money, merchandise and information of the various settlements, form a single community whose fundamental characteristic is the diversity of places occupied as a direct result of the processes of continuous migration. Different authors have agreed when pointing out that migratory networks are preponderant elements in the constitution of these communities, with a clear socializing function and integration into a new type of society where there are tensions, conflicts, failed associations, exclusions and marginality, but also interactions growing and recurring exchange spaces. Glick, Basch and Blanc-Szanton (1992: 23) have argued that these new fields of social relations.


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How to Cite

Meyer Rodríguez, J. A. (2005). Imaginaries and migration Poblanos in New York . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (60), 140–156.


