Journalist Movements in Central America: Between Mistrust, Weaknesses and Hopes


  • Mario Alfredo Cantarero University Francisco Gavidia



mistrust, weakness, hopes, journalist, union, sources


In Central America, journalists' associations or unions have not been adequately performing their functions for the benefit of all reporters. Practicing journalists constantly express attitudinally and verbally their antipathy to these organized groups and fear actively joining them.

This weak performance of the organizations and the refusal of journalists themselves to belong to them are internally due to managerial incapacity, political division, fragility of their structures and the dubious reputation of their leaders.


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Author Biography

Mario Alfredo Cantarero, University Francisco Gavidia

Master in Social Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​Spain; Bachelor of Arts and Professor of Literature, from the Central American University "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA). Journalist of the year 1998, in the article branch, granted by the Legislative Assembly of the Republic of El Salvador.

Coordinator of the careers of Communications at the Francisco Gavidia University, in the Faculty of Economic Sciences (2009).

Editor of the digital newspaper UFG NEWS (2010-2013), communication organ of the Francisco Gavidia University.

Professor of communications and researcher, Francisco Gavidia University, in the Faculty of Economic Sciences (2007 -2009) Research Coordinator, School of Communication Sciences, University “Dr. José Matías Delgado ”, El Salvador (from 1999-2004) Director of the School of Journalism, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, University of El Salvador (1991-1995).

Facilitator of training programs in various institutions, such as the National Civil Police (PNC), in the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and in the Journalism Diploma programs of the José Matías Delgado University, the Nueva Radio Association (ANR), UNICEF and other institutions. specialized magazines in the branch of social communication and journalism.


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How to Cite

Cantarero, M. A. . (2003). Journalist Movements in Central America: Between Mistrust, Weaknesses and Hopes. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (58), 11–15.


