Disinformation and organisational communication: A study of the impact of fake news





Disinformation, fake news, junk news, organisational communication, corporate communication


Introduction: Disinformation is a current phenomenon. Fake news stories have the potential to go viral and this poses new risks for the reputation of organisations. This study seeks to identify the types of organisations (public institutions, political parties and companies) that have been affected the most by fake news in Spain and to identify the most frequently spread false rumours. Methods: The study adopts a descriptive approach based on the content analysis of the fake news collected, over a 3-month period, by Maldito Bulo, an independent journalistic platform focused on the control of disinformation and public discourse through fact-checking and data journalism techniques. Results and conclusions: The results confirm that more than half of the sample of fake news target organisations and seek to affect mainly the reputation of public institutions, followed by companies and political parties. 31% of the fake news related to organisations referred to individuals associated to them.


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Author Biography

Leticia Rodríguez Fernández, Nebrija University

PhD in Information Sciences (UCM, 2012), master's degree in Communication of Public and Political Institutions (UCM, 2008) and a degree in Advertising and Public Relations (UVA, 2007). Professor and researcher of organizational communication at the Antonio Nebrija University, where she directs the degree in Corporate Communication, Protocol and Organization of Events. Before dedicating himself to teaching, he developed his professional career in the field of communication consulting (Llorente y Cuenca, 2008-2010 and Digitaller, 2011-2015) and in communication departments (CCOO, 2007-2008, and Chamber of Commerce de Gijón, 2006). Among his lines of research is organizational communication and propaganda.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Fernández, L. (2019). Disinformation and organisational communication: A study of the impact of fake news. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1714–1728. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2019-1406




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