Conceptualization of media competence as an "augmented competence"


  • Viera Kačinová University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
  • María Rosario Sádaba Chalezquer Univeristy of Navarra



Media competence; key competence; personal competence; cultural competence; civic competence; social competence; conceptualization; media education


Introduction: The ever-progressing transformation of the media as a result of digitization trends, the new characteristics of the communication environment and the associated communication practices and forms of user behaviour result in new educational needs and demands. Their reassessment in the context of current scientific discourses takes the form of revision and redefinition of the concept of media competence. Methodology: through a reflexive analysis of the concepts and models, we present the conceptualization of media competence as an extended competence to the area of personal, social, cultural and civic competencies. Results: The result of the work is a reassessment of conceptual positions in the projection of features of media competence in the context of the significant phenomena of the converged digital environment: participatory paradigm, hyperconnectivity, proliferation of disinformation. This approach requires the extension of skills and abilities in accessing, evaluating, analyzing, creating and communicating news and media; skills combining the previous forms of literacy and skills of digital environment (Livingstone, 2004; Pérez Tornero, Celot, Varis, 2007; Hobbs, 2008). Discussion: Our approach is associated with broader educational demands and needs aimed at the development of the individual´s personality in a more holistic way, connected with the more complex needs of a society where media presence is higher. Conclusions: The changes in the subject of ´Learning about the media´ are resassed at the end of the paper.


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Author Biographies

Viera Kačinová , University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Viera Kačinová is an associate professor at the Faculty of Mass Media Communication of the University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. She is also a member of the expert team of IMEC -International Media Literacy Centre in Slovakia as well as a member of the expert group Global Media Literacy, an international professional organization of the Society for Media Pedagogy and Communication Culture (Die Gesellschaft für Medienpädagogik und Kommunikationskultur (GMK). Her scientific and research activities are focused on the areas of media pedagogy, media education, axiological aspects of media, the development of media competences, media education didactics and teachers’ education in this field. She has been the author, lead researcher and coordinator of various projects related to media education in Slovakia, taking part in their implementation into the Slovak school environment. She was also a a member of the Working Expert Group of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, which was aimed at preparing the Concept of Media Education in the Context of Lifelong Learning.

María Rosario Sádaba Chalezquer, Univeristy of Navarra

Universidad de Navarra. Is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication of the Univeristy of Navarra. Since 2000 one of her research interest has been the relationship of children and adolescents with the ICTs. She has been part of several competitive research projects both internacionally and nationally, as the POSCON, a thematic action funded by the Safer Internet program that worked to create the basis for safer, positive and more creative spaces for children online. She was part of the research team of Generaciones Interactivas, a Project funded by Telefónica International (2007-2012) that surveyed more than 200.000 children and teenagers in 9 differente countries about their use of the digital technology. She is and Independent Expert for the Safer Internet Program of the UE.


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How to Cite

Kačinová , V., & Sádaba Chalezquer, M. R. (2022). Conceptualization of media competence as an "augmented competence". Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 21–38.


