The media diffusion of Argentina's foreign policy during the Menemism
Media diffusion, Foreign policy, Menemism, Democratization, ArgentinaAbstract
The research focuses on the study of the bilateral relationship between Argentina and the United States through a case that is paradigmatic due to its relevance: President Clinton's visit to Argentina in 1997. Thus, the study aims to link two spheres of scientific knowledge: social communication in its mass-media version and foreign policy. In this sense, the work focuses on the characterization, knowledge of the meaning of the opinions expressed and the arguments put forward about Argentine foreign policy during the 90s. Foreign policy is currently an unavoidable field of research, given the new world order in which international relations suppose essential insights and are linked - in turn - with the journalistic information that represent and constitute them. What is published in the media is the result of a selection and a justified cut both in technical and ideological aspects. Therefore, it is concluded that the media reveal or hide aspects of reality. In this way they intervene in the struggle for the imposition of the legitimate vision. If the different agents occupy specific places in the social space, there will be “different or even antagonistic points of view (...) since the vision that each agent has of the space depends on her position in it”. (Bourdieu, 1988: 133) From this perspective, the main purpose of this work is to try to investigate the relationship between foreign policy guidelines and what is published by the mass media in Argentina.
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