The media diffusion of Argentina's foreign policy during the Menemism


  • Dafne García Lucero Universities of Córdoba and Villa María



Media diffusion, Foreign policy, Menemism, Democratization, Argentina


The research focuses on the study of the bilateral relationship between Argentina and the United States through a case that is paradigmatic due to its relevance: President Clinton's visit to Argentina in 1997. Thus, the study aims to link two spheres of scientific knowledge: social communication in its mass-media version and foreign policy. In this sense, the work focuses on the characterization, knowledge of the meaning of the opinions expressed and the arguments put forward about Argentine foreign policy during the 90s. Foreign policy is currently an unavoidable field of research, given the new world order in which international relations suppose essential insights and are linked - in turn - with the journalistic information that represent and constitute them. What is published in the media is the result of a selection and a justified cut both in technical and ideological aspects. Therefore, it is concluded that the media reveal or hide aspects of reality. In this way they intervene in the struggle for the imposition of the legitimate vision. If the different agents occupy specific places in the social space, there will be “different or even antagonistic points of view (...) since the vision that each agent has of the space depends on her position in it”. (Bourdieu, 1988: 133) From this perspective, the main purpose of this work is to try to investigate the relationship between foreign policy guidelines and what is published by the mass media in Argentina.


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Author Biography

Dafne García Lucero, Universities of Córdoba and Villa María

Assistant in charge of the Methodology Chair at the National University of Villa María, Argentina. Assistant Professor of the Chair of Methodology of the School of Information Sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Assistant Professor of the Master in International Relations, Center for Advanced Studies, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Bachelor of Social Communication - School of Information Sciences, (UNC) 1992. Graduated from the Interdisciplinary Residence in Mental Health - Ministry of Health of the Province of Córdoba. (Oliva Psychiatric Hospital, Córdoba (1995 -1999) Master in International Relations, Center for Advanced Studies (UNC). 2004 Doctor in Information Sciences. University of La Laguna (Tenerife), Spain. 2009. She has completed the Multidisciplinary Continuing Education Program for Doctors in Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. Cycle "Research Methods, Methodologies and Techniques in Social Sciences and Humanities" Center for Advanced Studies, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Latest research carried out "The Reading of History in the non-fictional discourses of Córdoba" Years 1993-2001. Subsidy from the Córdoba Ciencia Agency. Team member "Between reality and fiction: information as a human right in Argentina today" Years 2003-2010 SECyT subsidy Co-director of the investigation “The inauguration of President Néstor Kirchner. Its journalistic treatment and its discursive legitimation ”, CEA-UNC 2005. Director of the investigation MERCOSUR as a regional system on the international scene, seen from the perspective of journalistic information in Córdoba. (2006 with academic endorsement, without funding, from the Córdoba Science Agency) Director of the research “Evaluation of the local political culture in the southeast of Cordoba. The case of Villa María ”, subsidized by the National University of Villa María, 2006 Res. No. 106/06 of the Superior Council of UNVM. Research Director Research program: ”Information as a human right: treatment and journalistic modalities of the information. School of Information Sciences, UNC 2006. Co-director Book authorship: "Argentine foreign policy and its dissemination in the graphic media of mass communication" Center for Advanced Studies. UNC. 2007 ED. Advocatus. "Political culture in Villa María" National University of Villa María. 2008. Ed.Advocatus


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How to Cite

García Lucero, D. (2004). The media diffusion of Argentina’s foreign policy during the Menemism. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (59), 167–175.


