Editorial innovation on social networks of the #CoronavirusFactCheck Alliance Hispanic verifiers: contents and vision of those responsible


  • María Sánchez González Universidad de Málaga
  • Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales Universidad de Sevilla
  • Javier Martos Universidad de Sevilla




fact-checking; disinformation; social media; digital content; innovation; cybermedia; Covid-19.


Introduction: This work explores the use of social networks by the hispanic platforms of the #CoronavirusFactCheck Alliance of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) in the Covid-19 pandemic, as tools to generate innovative multimedia or interactive content with which to reach new audiences and expand their visibility. Methodology: By observing and analyzing network channels, we identified relevant cases of adapted digital content and we catalog innovative practices. And through in-depth interviews with its promoters, we determine if this production is considered as an editorial strategy and we collect their perceptions about limitations, possibilities and future projects of online innovative content. Results: Apart from the generalized presence on Twitter and Facebook, the greatest innovations are materialized in videos and podcasts, ranging from summaries and curation of content to explanatory. They are carried out through networks such as YouTube, Instagram and even TikTok, Twitch and podcasting channels, using narratives adapted to these channels. Conclusions: These practices, developed within the framework of a certain strategy or tactically, seek in addition to informing, training and mobilizing audiences in the fight against the infodemic with attractive, understandable and viralizable formats from the same channels where disinformation flows. Although some verifiers have limited resources, joining IFCN opens up new opportunities for editorial innovation.


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Author Biographies

María Sánchez González, Universidad de Málaga

Associate professor with a doctorate in Journalism from the Universidad de Málaga and technician in Innovation from the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. She is accredited as a full professor by ANECA (December 2020). She is currently a researcher for the R+D+i project "Impact of disinformation on journalism: content, professional routines, and audiences (DESINFOPER)", PID2019-108956RB-I00 (Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain); and "MEDIO: Media & Data Innovation” (SEJ 612) of the Junta de Andalucía. She also coordinates and participates in various educational innovation projects/networks. Research lines: content and digital culture; social media; active audiences and citizen participation; innovation; digital entrepreneurship, and journalistic verification. She also has several open publications on teacher training, online learning, and digital skills.

Hada M. Sánchez Gonzales , Universidad de Sevilla

Professor of Journalism at the University of Seville. Vice-Dean of Communication, Institutional Relations and Entrepreneurship of the Faculty of Communication. In addition, she directs the Laboratory of Projects in Communication (LabProCom), the Research Group Analysis and Technique of Information (GIATI) and the scientific journal "Textual & Visual Media". She specializes in digital media; social media, journalistic routines and profiles; journalistic innovation, digital entrepreneurship and active audiences. She is the author of a hundred articles and books on these topics. She participates in competitive projects at international, national and regional levels and her results have had a cross-border impact. She has six years of transfer and research and is part of the body of evaluators of the National Agency for Evaluation and Foresight (ANEP). She is a researcher of the R+D+i project "Impact of disinformation in journalism: contents, professional routines and audiences (DESINFOPER)", PID2019-108956RB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).

Javier Martos, Universidad de Sevilla

Journalist and researcher. Interuniversity doctoral student in Communication at the Universidad de Sevilla. Member of the Laboratorio de Proyectos de Comunicación (LabProCom). Master’s degree in Institutional and Political Communication from the Universidad de Sevilla. He has worked in the media (TV, radio, and press) and communication offices. In recent years he has participated as an author and speaker at several national and international communication conferences (IAMCR, SEP, International Congress on Communication and Thought...), about journalism, audiences, and digital communication. Open Innovation Sevilla Award in 2019. He also has several publications about messaging platforms and their influence on the media and political parties.


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How to Cite

Sánchez González, M., Sánchez Gonzales , H. M., & Martos, J. (2022). Editorial innovation on social networks of the #CoronavirusFactCheck Alliance Hispanic verifiers: contents and vision of those responsible. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 135–161. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2022-1535


