Registration citation Electronic Journal of Educational Research 1999-2015. A communicational perspective
citation, Electronic Journal of Educational Research, Google Scholar Metrics, CommunicationAbstract
Introduction. The article presents the track of appointments of the Electronic Journal of Educational Research during the period November 1999 to September 2015 according the information obtained through Google Scholar Metrics. Method. The analysis, quantitative section provides general information about the 50 most cited articles during the study period. Through various indicators, records the name of the authors, their gender, institution affiliation, country of affiliation, the number of authors per article, article theme through the impact of keywords and total citations per year during the period covered by the investigation. Results and conclusions. Results include the gender of the 86 authors who make up the 50 most cited articles, stating that 41% are women and 59% men defined. Likewise, states that 38% are foreigners and 62% national -mexicanos-. It is important to specify that the article seeks not measure the impact factor of the journal, but to identify the internal and external established between the authors and their appointments communication.
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