X-ray of the sound universe in communication studies in Spain: podcast application in the classroom


  • Silvia Olmedo Salar Universidad de Málaga
  • Paloma López Villafranca University of Malaga
  • Emilio Muñoz Cámara University of Malaga




Journalism; Audiovisual Communication; Pódcast; Radio; University; Spain, Innovation, Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Radios, University, Sapin, Innovation


Introduction: the revolution of audio format is clearly demonstrated with the success of sound products played through the podcast format and the appearance of new technological devices such as smart speakers. At this stage, this work focuses on how this situation is being transferred to classrooms and specifically to the studies of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication in a communicative reality in constant transformation. Methodology: this research applies a multi-methodological approach and qualitative and quantitative analysis, based on the collection of data from teaching guides of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication studies in 20 Spanish universities and the analysis made by teachers on the phenomenon of podcasting and its use in classroom. Results: the analysis determines that study plans of these Degrees need a reformulation comprehensive of  the rapid and revolutionary evolution of radio medium and its audio products. In this sense, podcast needs to be incorporated to teaching plans. Conclusions: main conclusions ratify results of this research, but show that despite its use podcast does not appear as a relevant format yet.There exists an explicit desire to make podcast an ally of the necessary transformation in classroom, due to the acceptance and increasing consumption of this format by students.



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Author Biographies

Silvia Olmedo Salar, Universidad de Málaga

Bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. in Journalism from the Universidad de Málaga (UMA). She has a master's degree in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication (UMA) and is currently a professor at the Department of Journalism at the Universidad de Málaga. Her main lines of research focus on the podcast and new sound narratives; radio and media indicators of social profitability, and communication in international cooperation. She has been director of the I International Congress of Radio Theater UMA (2019) and coordinator of the Educational Innovation Project “The podcast as an educational and social awareness tool in the classroom” (PIE19-073). She has carried out research stays in Scotland, Denmark, and the United Kingdom and the results of her work have been published in books and national and international journals. As a professional, she has developed most of her work as a journalist at Agencia EFE and on the radio and has collaborated in the press and on television.



Índice H:7

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7193-3009

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=-fuitacAAAAJ&hl=es

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Silvia-Olmedo-Salar

Scopus ID: 55772504100

Paloma López Villafranca, University of Malaga

Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism from the Universidad de Málaga (UMA). She has a master's degree in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication and a Ph.D. in Communication (UMA). She has spoken at various national and international conferences and published various book chapters and journal articles on audiovisual narrative and communication strategies. Since 2009 she has been a professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad de Málaga and coordinator of the University Radio, Comutopía Radio. She has been teaching in the public and private spheres since 1999. Professional in the media since 1998. She has worked as a journalist for Grupo Prisa, Recoletos, private companies, and Spanish municipal entities, besides collaborating in 1998 in RNE.



Índice H:9

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-4193-1365

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=yF1YnsgAAAAJ&hl=es

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paloma-Lopez-Villafranca

Scopus ID: 56960447700

Emilio Muñoz Cámara, University of Malaga

Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad de Málaga and student of a Master's Degree in Journalism and Digital Communication: Data and New Narratives from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He developed his Final Degree Project on the possibilities of educational podcasts at university education levels. He has collaborated with the communication media COPE Málaga and Diario Jaén.



Orcid ID: 0000-0003-4193-1365


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How to Cite

Olmedo Salar, S., López Villafranca, P. ., & Muñoz Cámara, E. . (2022). X-ray of the sound universe in communication studies in Spain: podcast application in the classroom. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 21–39. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2022-1770



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