Multivariate analysis of FIFA video game covers.

How to lead without a strategy.




videogame;, FIFA;, covers;, sports rivalry;, football;, identity;, graphic design;



 The football videogame FIFA is one of the longest-running and most successful sagas in Spain. The official rankings of best-selling titles drawn up in recent decades by the AEVI, place it as a best-selling saga in Spain, with leading positions repeated over time. Based on the data from a multivariate analysis of the cover art since its beginnings in 1994, in which both design and sporting aspects with sales implications will be reviewed, the aim is to demonstrate that the FIFA video game saga is an atypical star product, insofar as over the years it has not taken care of aesthetic aspects and sporting rivalry which, in most sectors, are decisive and condition the sales of the product. The privileged position that the video game occupies in the sales rankings confirms its immunity to factors which, for other brands, are decisive for its survival. 


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Author Biographies

Julinda Molares-Cardoso, University of VIgo

She has a Ph.D. in Communication, a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, a Master’s Degree in International Protocol, and a Master’s Degree in User Experience (UX/UI). She has specific training in communication, exhibition techniques, styling, design, and personal branding. She is a Professor of the Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences at the Universidad de Vigo. She develops her research work on branding, graphic design, personal branding, and advertising. She teaches the Master's Degree in Art Direction and the Master's Degree in Social Media Communication and Digital Content Creation at the Universidad de Vigo and at the Instituto de Educación Superior Intercontinental de la Empresa (IESIDE). She is a member of the research group VNPC - Videogames, Narrative, Persuasion, and Creativity of the Universidad de Vigo. 

Vicente Badenes-Pla, University of VIgo

He has a Ph.D. in Communication, a Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and a Master’s Degree in Communication Research. He has specific training in communication, media planning, and strategic planning. He is a Professor at the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences at the Universidad de Vigo in the Bchelor’sDegree in Advertising and Public Relations. He develops his research work on business entertainment, media planning, and brand placement. He is a Professor of the Master's Degree in Art Direction and the Master's Degree in Social Media Communication and Digital Content Creation at the Universidad de Vigo. He is a member of the research group VNPC - Videogames, Narrative, Persuasion, and Creativity of the Universidad de Vigo. 

Carmen López de Aguileta-Clemente, University of VIgo

She has a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Sciences, specializing in Advertising from the Universidad del País Vasco. She has extensive professional experience in the field of communication in different companies related to advertising and communication. She is a professor in the Advertising and Public Relations degree at the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences of the Universidad de Vigo. She is the coordinator and a professor in the Master’s Degree in Advertising Art Direction at the Universidad de Vigo. She is a member of the research group VNPC - Videogames, Narrative, Persuasion, and Creativity of the Universidad de Vigo. She is a member of the research team responsible for preparing the Advertising Observatory of the Spanish Association of Advertisers. 


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How to Cite

Molares-Cardoso, Julinda, Vicente Badenes-Pla, and Carmen López de Aguileta-Clemente. 2022. “: How to lead without a strategy”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 80 (September):179-99.



Comunicación lúdica, videojuegos y gamificación