Communication and violence: The image of the minor in the press photographs of the ETA attacks




niños, atentados, ETA, prensa, fotografía, violencia, terrorismo


Introduction: The photographic coverage of the ETA attacks by the press has had various subjects, among which the victims stand out, but there is also room for the murderer, the journalists, the witnesses and the spectators. This research will focus its attention on minors, especially in the representation of their evolution. More specifically, we intend to study the spaces in which they are located, to later establish the frequency with which they are recorded, the prominence they have in the frame and the roles they play. Methodology: These objectives have involved the use of content analysis in its qualitative version. To this end, a sample has been delimited that has included six newspapers – La Gaceta del Norte, Hierro, El Correo, Deia Egin and El País – over a period of 30 years, from 1968 to 1997, the date of the attack by Miguel Ángel Blanco Villar. In this tour, three categories have been established: archive images, those of funerals and those of the place of the attack. Discussion and results: A cyclical model of representation is detected where the minor is omitted at the beginning to gain an unusual prominence from 1976 and later disappear again from the photographs. Conclusions: Depending on the established categories, the performance of different roles is observed, such as identification, the spectator in the image, the child who indicates the place of the event, the witness or the repository of symbols.



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Author Biographies

Nekane Parejo, Universidad de Málaga

Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad de Málaga and the Interuniversity Doctorate in Communication at the Universities of Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga, and Seville. She teaches classes in the University Master's Degree in Cinematography at the Universidad de Córdoba, the Master's Degree in Audiovisual Creation and Performing Arts at the Universidad de Málaga, and the Master's Degree in Digital and Audiovisual Communication at the Instituto de Estudios Cajasol in Seville. She has directed 10 theses at 3 different universities and has 3 six-year research periods.

Since its foundation in 2010, she has been the director of the journal FOTOCINEMA. Revista científica de cine y fotografía:

Her research is focused on the relationship between cinema and photography and their history. She is the author of 4 books and more than 50 scientific publications.

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Agustín Gómez Gómez, University of Malaga

Professor at the Universidad de Málaga. His research work is centered on rural cinema, the film-art re- lationship, and the cinema of the self. He has coordinated three Film and Art courses organized by the Fundación Picasso of Malaga. Regarding rural cinema, he has participated in three R+D+i projects. On the cinema of the self, he has published works on Pedro Almodóvar, Wim Wenders, Manoel de Olivei- ra, Agnès Varda, Elías León Siminiani, Albertina Carri, and Marc Recha. He has given more than fifty lectures, some at international universities: Oxford University, Aston University (Birmingham), Freie Universität Berlin, University of Münster, Université Paris 8, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, Università di Torino, Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Università Sacre Cuore in Rome, Blas Pascal in Córdoba (Argentina). He has supervised 10 doctoral theses.

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How to Cite

Parejo, N., & Gómez Gómez, A. (2022). Communication and violence: The image of the minor in the press photographs of the ETA attacks. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 435–451.


