The institutional and media transparency of the coronavirus. An analysis of data portals and digital media in Ibero-America




open journalism; coronavirus; transparency; open data; participation; collaboration; portals.


Introduction. The health emergency caused by the COVID-19 has had various consequences on the institutional and media scene. Faced with a situation of this magnitude, governments have introduced transparency measures into their daily routines to provide citizens with up-to-date, quality information on the pandemic. This has also affected journalistic practices, as the volume of information dedicated to the coronavirus has been increasing in the media. Data journalism is presented as one of the most recurrent formulas of digital media, with the development of maps and graphs using official data. Methodology. This research aims to find out, on the one hand, the degree of information transparency of Ibero-American governments on the disease, as well as the development of open journalism, data journalism and other practices by the media to report on the coronavirus. To this end, an evaluation of the COVID-19 information portals in 12 Ibero-American countries and of the two most relevant digital media in each country has been made. Conclusions. Despite the enormous effort made by the institutions to inform the public about the health emergency, the transparency portals show various deficiencies. The media, on the other hand, have mainly developed data journalism, but they have not promoted media transparency or citizen participation in the elaboration of content.  


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Author Biographies

María Díez-Garrido, University of Valladolid

María Díez Garrido is a researcher in Communication from the University of Valladolid. She holds a Degree in Journalism and studied the Master’s degree in Research of Communication as a historical-social agent at the same university. She is part of the research group in the R+D+i project "Estrategias, agendas y discursos en las cibercampañas electorales: medios de comunicación y ciudadanos" of the University of Valencia (CSO2016-77331-C2-1-R), funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). She has collaborated with the Citizen Participation Observatory which is part of the commitments of the Third Action Plan of the Open Government of Spain, coordinated by the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies. Her research works focus on transparency, Open Government and digital communication.

Cristina Renedo Farpón, University of Valladolid

She holds a Degree in Journalism from the University of Valladolid (2012) and a Master’s Degree in Information and Knowledge Society from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (2014). She is currently an adjunct professor and predoctoral researcher at the University of Valladolid.

Her lines of research focus on media openness, studying participation and media transparency. She has participated in different R+D Projects linked to political communication at the University of Valencia and the Complutense University of Madrid, and is part of the Reflection and Study Group on Online Communication (GRECO) of the University of Valladolid. In 2017, she did a research stay at the Institute of Communications and Image of the University of Chile.


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How to Cite

Díez-Garrido, M., & Renedo Farpón, C. . (2020). The institutional and media transparency of the coronavirus. An analysis of data portals and digital media in Ibero-America . Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (78), 393–418.


