Internal Incommunication at the Spanish University


  • Manuel Palencia-Lefler Pompeu Fabra University



Internal Communication, bi-directional or two-way communication, communication channels and formats of Internal Communication, university organization, transparency in communication, perception, communication policies, university internal publics, participation spaces


The management of Internal Communication is increasingly occupying a preferential place in organizations, in spite of the great contradiction that entails to accept that and to recognize it. At the same time it should be taken into account the lack of material and human resources available in the majority of the organizations. Spanish Universities have had successful experiences in this field, forced by the necessity of assisting the constant demands of more and more diverse and exigent students, and some professional associations that expect to participate in the future of the institution. Even so, the contradictions are distinctly evident at the University, where the Directorship and the internal publics have different levels of information and do not really want to change the situation. The different channels and formats of Internal Communication are not enough to balance the necessary bi-directional communication. Two-way communication is precisely what occupies the key issue of this paper.


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Author Biography

Manuel Palencia-Lefler, Pompeu Fabra University

Manel Palencia-Lefler has a degree in Law (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), a degree in Public Relations (ESRP-University of Barcelona) and a PhD in Communication (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona). He is a Professor at Pompeu Fabra University where he teaches and is a researcher for the UNICA group. Musician and composer. His areas of specialization are music and audiovisual, strategic communication and fundraising.


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How to Cite

Palencia-Lefler, M. (2008). Internal Incommunication at the Spanish University. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 277–286.


