Fake news during the COVID-19 State of Alarm. Analysis from the political point of view in the Spanish press





Bulo; COVID-19; mass media; fake news; social media; politics; credibility.


Introduction: Since December 2019, when talk began in Spain about the coronavirus that was affecting China, rumors and vague news populated the world. When the disease reached Europe, the proliferation of information multiplied. Since the State of Alert was decreed, hoaxes and fake news have been a constant, which has been reflected in media reports. Methodology: This paper analyses the information published in the Spanish press about fake news related to politics, the controversial declarations of the Chief of Staff of the Civil Guard, and social networks; to know the volume of news and the treatment that the media has given to them. A mixed, qualitative/quantitative methodology has been used with the support of the MAXQDA 2020 tool. Results: After the analysis of 229 texts, it can be stated that the topic of which most information has been published about politics (48.47%), followed by social networks (28.8%) and the controversial statements of the Chief of Staff of the Guardia Civil (22.7%); although at all times the political debate has been present in the information. Discussion: This work opens a line of investigation on whether the spread of harmful information can be limited in a pandemic or whether freedom of expression is above it. Conclusions: The media on the ideological right have published more information with greater political content (73.87%), compared to the left-wing media with only 26.13%. 


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Author Biographies

Aranzazu Roman-San-Miguel, The University of Seville

She is currently an assistant director of the Master in Sports Journalism at the University of Seville and a member of the Research Group: Communication Strategies. Doctor in Journalism, she has a Degree in Journalism and a University Expert in Institutional Communication and Political Marketing. She has been a professor in the Department of Journalism II and co-coordinator and professor of the Master in Institutional and Political Communication at the University of Seville. She has written several books, book chapters, and journal articles on journalism, journalistic specialization, protocol, and institutional communication. She has carried out research stays at the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Castilla La Mancha, and the Salesian Pontifical University of Rome.

Nuria Sánchez-Gey-Valenzuela, The University of Seville

She is currently a journalist, doctor in Communication, graduated in Journalism. She has worked for more than fifteen years in local, regional, and national media, the press, radio, and television, although she has specialized in the latter. She has also taught at the School of Reporters of Andalusia and has been a teacher in the Experience Room of the University of Seville. Her doctoral thesis is an analysis of the audiovisual sector and public television, carried out from the structural approach of the Political Economy of Information, which is her field of research. Likewise, she is part of the Information Structure research team led by Professor Ramón Reig of the University of Seville.

Rodrigo Elías-Zambrano, The University of Seville

Assistant Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of Seville. He is a Doctor in Communication, a Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication, and a Master in AV Business Management from the University of Seville, a Master in Communication and AV Education from the University of Huelva, and an Expert in E-Learning. He has been a professor in the Department of Marketing and Communication at the University of Cadiz and currently collaborates with the Open University of Catalonia. He is also a member of the SEJ420 research group (IDECO - Political Communication, Ideology, and Propaganda). On a professional level, he is linked to the world of advertising AV realization at the national and international levels, for RAI, CNBC, Al Jazeera, TVP, or NHK.


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How to Cite

Román-San-Miguel, A. ., Sánchez-Gey-Valenzuela, N., & Elías-Zambrano, R. (2020). Fake news during the COVID-19 State of Alarm. Analysis from the political point of view in the Spanish press. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (78), 359–391. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2020-1481


