Relationship between media planning and creativity in an environment of media hybridization and transmediality




communication, advertising creativity, media innovation, media, media planning, professional skills


Introduction: The importance of media planning in advertising is confirmed by its turnover, which in 2021 exceeded eleven billion euros, which is equivalent to 0.96% of Spanish GDP. However, creativity is the object of study that is most admired by both advertising professionals and students, giving this competition most of the credit for the success or failure of advertising campaigns. Methodology: The hypothesis is proposed that creativity does not have to be a competence that is limited to professionals who work in the creative and art departments of advertising agencies, but rather that it must be postulated as a transversal competence for different profiles and departments. It reflects on how, within the framework of media hybridization and transmediality and the extensions of the narrative universes as necessary brand discourses, the increasingly complex media planning is dealt with. As a methodology, a questionnaire (quantitative technique) has been carried out to academics and professionals dedicated to creative and art tasks, as well as those responsible for media planning. Results: The results support that, given the current increasingly complex and digitized media landscape, it is reasonable for media planning functions to draw on these creative skills from the early stages of the process to achieve, in this way, the campaign objectives, in a media ecosystem marked by liquid and multiplatform communication. Conclusions: However, the sector is not headed in this direction and agencies still follow excessively conservative processes and structures in a sector where technology is key to segmenting audiences and offering them a personalized message at the right time.


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Author Biographies

Amaia Paniagua-Iglesias, University of Basque Country

Professor of Commercial, Corporate, and Institutional Communication, Media Planning, and Digital Marketing at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of the Basque Country. She holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and has worked for 20 years in the media strategy and planning department of various advertising agencies. Currently, she is pursuing her doctoral thesis on the digitalization process in advertising agencies, specifically in media planning.

Ramon Martín-Guart, University of Girona

Serra Húnter fellow and Ph.D. in Communication and recipient of a doctoral extraordinary award from UPF. He holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from UAB. He is a member of the CAS (Communication, Advertising & Society) research group at UPF and collaborates with the GREC group at Ramón Llull University on a project about interactive advertising on television. His research focuses on advertising and its effectiveness, media digitalization, and audience measurement. He combines academia with a 25-year career in leading advertising agencies such as Ogilvy and Havas Media, among others. He has published in high-impact journals such as Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, Revista de Comunicación, Historia y Comunicación Social,, as well as with EUNSA and Springer.


Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University

He holds a Ph.D. in Journalism and Communication Sciences from UAB and Master's degrees in Communication Sciences, Communication Research, and Communication and Sports. He is a Full Professor at Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull and serves as the principal researcher for the Research Group on Journalism and Digital Marketing and Broadband, as well as the Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems for Digital Journalism, Marketing, and Tourism (SIMPED). He is also a researcher at the Observatory of Scientific Communication at UPF. He serves as the director of CECABLE and is the president of the Catalan Society of Communication at the Institute of Catalan Studies. He has published over 200 indexed scientific articles and has received numerous awards for his roles as a professor, researcher, manager, journalist, and writer.

Francisco Javier Pérez-Latre, University of Navarra

He is an Associate Professor and Academic Director of Postgraduate Programs at the Faculty of Communication at UNAV. He has served as the Director of Studies and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication at UNAV and as the Academic Director of the Institute of Media and Entertainment (IME) in New York. His research focuses on the humanistic foundations of communication, media management, social networks, and innovation. He has authored 11 books, 35 book chapters, and 80 scientific articles on communication published in prestigious publishers like Routledge and Springer and in journals such as the Journal of Media Business Studies, The International Journal on Media Management, El Profesional de la Información, Historia y Comunicación Social, Communication & Society, among others.


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How to Cite

Paniagua-Iglesias, Amaia, Ramon Martín-Guart, Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, and Francisco Javier Pérez-Latre. 2024. “Relationship between media planning and creativity in an environment of media hybridization and transmediality”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (January):1-22.


