University labs: Experimentation and innovation. The case of MediaLab UTPL




Education, communication, technology, innovation, media, lab, Medialab UTPL


Latin American universities need to undergo a major technological upgrading to meet the challenges posed by the use of labs as teaching and learning tools. These changes should aim to offer an educational option that meets the current and future needs of society, which implies quality education with equality and sociocultural relevance in the context of a permanent education system through internships. Labs as spaces for experimentation have become one of the main innovation centres. The MediaLab UTPL, is a social production space, intended for research and the generation and dissemination of multidisciplinary projects, where researchers, students, faculty, and the general public can propose, create, and explore the different forms of experimentation and collaborative learning, through the use of the available tools and technology. This paper analyses the origin and development of this particular Lab and collects students’ opinions about their learning experience in it. The conclusions of this research will be of great importance to educational communities and society in general, since they can serve as the basis to generate quality criteria to improve media skills that improve the dimensions and indicators of university communication labs. The research hypotheses are: 1) The implementation of the lab involves a series of practices that call for innovation in education through internships; 2) The knowledge acquired enables constructive learning through the development of scientific, technical and methodological skills and competences.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Maldonado, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Master’s degree on Communication and Audiovisual Education by Universidad de Huelva and Universidad Internacional de Andalucia, Spain.  Graduated on Social Communication by Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Audiovisual Producer. Editor of several television programs. Currently works as Professor of Laboratories of Social Communication and MediaLab of UTPL. Co-author of books and articles in scientific and informative journals. My publications are related to the analysis of language and audiovisual narrative and programming of the national television.

Ana María BeltrÁn Flandoli, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Professor of Introduction to Communication and Educommunication in Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Interuniversity Master’s degree on Communication and Education by Universidad Internacional de Andalucía and la Universidad de Huelva, Spain.

Her publications include topics related to the potential of new narratives and digital storytelling for communication and education, applications of mediatic competencies; among others.

She is Member of the Alfamed network and of the Laboratory of communication, innovation and digital culture of UTPL (MediaLab-UTPL).

Carlos Ortíz León, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Main professor of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, in Television. Director of MediaLab UTPL. Audiovisual Producer. PhD on Communication and Journalism by Universidad Santiago de Compostela- Spain. Graduate in Social Communication.

I am part of the research groups “Communication and Digital Culture” and  "Person-Computer Interaction”.  Coauthor of international books, papers in scientific and informative journals. His publications include topics related to TV (programming, formats, TDT), analysis of the language and audiovisual narrative, new trends of the audiovisual and journalism.

Andrea Victoria Velásquez Benavides , Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Professor of Corporate Image and Audit on Communication of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. PhD on Communication and Creative Industries by Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Spain and Master’s degree on Communication and Creative Industries by the same university. Superior Diploma on Marketing Strategic Management, Superior Diploma in Corporate Communication. She was Marketing Manager of Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja and member of the Quality teams of the Social Communication, Public Relations careers and master’s degree on Communication and Digital Culture.

Her publications include topics related to Consumption and use of media, audiences, reception, mediatic competencies, advertisement and digital brand. 

She is Member of the Alfamed network, of the Medialab UTPL team and currently works in two research projects: Mediatic competencies in teenagers and, consumption and use of media in Ecuadorian youth.


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How to Cite

Maldonado, J. C., BeltrÁn Flandoli, A. M. ., Ortíz León, C., & Velásquez Benavides , A. V. (2019). University labs: Experimentation and innovation. The case of MediaLab UTPL . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1335–1343.




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