“Esto yo lo dejo ahí, extiéndalo usted más allá” Poetic work by Wilson Caicedo and the historical memory of Village 8 in Buenaventura





Poetry, memory, semiotics of culture, Afro-descendants, Colombian Pacific


Introduction: The paper deals with the historical memory of the Afro-descendant community of Village 8 in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) based on the poems by Wilson Caicedo, one member of this community. Methodology: The poems were analyzed from the viewpoint of semiotics of culture based on the syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes. The other testimonies were used to create a timeline and a semantic network. Results: The poems present an original synthesis of victimizing facts, experiences, exhortations, and symbolic elaborations that were not reported in the analyzed testimonies. Discussion and conclusions: The poetic work by Wilson Caicedo creates a narrative about the avatars in Village 8, and thus its analysis contributes to widen the comprehension horizon of the upheavals suffered by the community as well as its resistance processes. Moreover, the performative character of the poetries strengthens the community bonds, which is also represented in the poems but at the same time is challenged to produce new meanings, narratives, and practices of resistance.


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Author Biographies

Juan Sebastian Lopez Lopez, Santo Tomás University

Doctor in Communication and Social Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid-Spain), of which he also holds a Master's degree in Communication and sociocultural problems. Philosopher by training, he is a teacher and researcher in the Department of Humanities of the Santo Tomás University and a professor in the Master's degree in Communication, social change development at Uniminuto. He is the coordinator and researcher of the Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos Fray Alonso de Zamora of the Universidad Santo Tomás.

His research topics are related to communicative phenomena from cultural sociology, visual studies and applied hermeneutics. He has published the books Epistemological Miscellany (2015) and Imagined Technologies. Conversations between digital mutants (2017).

Juan Guillermo Miranda Corzo, Santo Tomás University

He has a degree in Philosophy and Spanish Language from the Santo Tomás University (Bogotá, Colombia). Consultant and researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos Fray Alonso de Zamora. His research interests and approaches include socio-semiotic analysis, literary semiotics, colonial literature, interdisciplinary studies and political trials, and political philosophy. Among his publications, Cronotopo and polyphony stand out in the Nautical Days of fray Jacinto de Carvajal (2018).

Mayra Alejandra García Jurado, Santo Tomás University

She is a student of the Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Social Research at the Francisco José de Caldas District University (Bogotá, Colombia), and a sociologist at the Santo Tomás University. (Bogota Colombia). She is currently linked as a consultant and researcher at the Fray Alonso de Zamora Socio-Historical Studies Institute in the line of research "Memory, history and identities". Among her research interests are the institutionalization of the social sciences in Colombia and the participation and contribution of women in the social sciences. Among her academic publications, Contribution of Women in Colombian Sociology Journals 1959-2000 (2018) stands out.

Andrea Paola Buitrago Rojas, Santo Tomás University

She is a Master in Defense of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law before International Organizations, Courts and Tribunals. She is also a lawyer and a graduate in Philosophy and Spanish Language from the Universidad Santo Tomás de Bogotá. Since 2014 she has been a full-time teacher in the Department of Humanities and Comprehensive Training at the Santo Tomás University. She has taught master courses on "Ethics, Humanism and Society" in the Master in Defense of Human Rights and in the Master in Road Infrastructure at the Santo Tomás University.

She has conducted research on human rights, differential approaches to gender, generation, ethnicity (indigenous and black communities), transitional justice, cultural resistance, and political trials of democratically elected presidents. She has participated as an advisor to black communities in Prior Consultation before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in Colombia. She is a researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Socio-Históricos Fray Alonso de Zamora and is the leader of the research line "Contemporary Ethical, Political and Legal Debates". She is the author of the books Forgiveness: Difficult Possibility and La Paz from Below. Brief history, impact and participation of social movements in Colombia.


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How to Cite

Lopez Lopez, J. S., Miranda Corzo, J. G., García Jurado, M. A., & Buitrago Rojas, A. P. (2019). “Esto yo lo dejo ahí, extiéndalo usted más allá” Poetic work by Wilson Caicedo and the historical memory of Village 8 in Buenaventura . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1366–1390. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2019-1389


