Validation of an instrument on exposure to hate speech of migrant communities in the Chilean media ecosystem: preliminary results




Hate speech, immigration, Delphi, validation metodology


Introduction: Research reports an increase in the forms of cyber hate towards migrant groups in digital contexts. However, few tools have been developed to collect the experiences of those who face such aggression. Methodology: The objective is to validate an instrument designed to assess the extent of exposure to hate speech. Additionally, it aims to examine the consequential impact on the engagement and involvement of migrant communities within the media landscape of Chile. The Delphi method, incorporating expert judgment and cognitive interviews, is implemented in this study. A meticulously crafted questionnaire comprising 26 items is applied to a pilot sample of 453 migrants residing in Chile, 51% of whom are between 30 and 59 years old, 58% are female and 60% come from Venezuela. Results: A Cronbach's Alpha of 0.95 is reached and it is found that 62% of respondents have received hate messages through Instagram (56%) and Facebook (45%), linked to their nationality (33%) and under the framing of security (43%), experiencing discomfort (53%) and hopelessness (56%). Consequently, 41% "sometimes" deleted media accounts from their digital information diet and only 7% "frequently" participate in media environments. Discussion: It is warned that cyber hate towards migrant people could produce disinformation, by news avoidance, and affect the media participation of these communities. Conclusions: A validated questionnaire was acquired to gather insights into the exposure of migrants when confronted with hate speech and its possible effects.


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Author Biographies

Nairbis Sibrian, Universidad del Desarrollo

PhD in Sociology from the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile (2019). Master’s in communication and public policy, University of Arts and Social Sciences, Chile (2010) and Bachelor in Social Communication, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela (2007).

Professor and researcher at the School of Journalism, Faculty of Communications, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile.

Índice H: 1

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Scopus ID:

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Amaranta Alfaro, Alberto Hurtado University

Professor and researcher at the Department of Journalism of the Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). She is a journalist and holds a degree in Communication Sciences. She was an Erasmus Mundus scholarship holder to study the European Master in Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (CoMundus) at the universities of Roskilde (Denmark) and Kassel (Germany). She is an associate researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Public Policy (CIPP) and the Center for Studies in Science, Technology and Society (CECTS), both at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

Índice H: 4

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Juan Carlos Núñez , Universidad del Desarrollo

Master in Social Psychology Research, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. Social Worker from Universidad Finis Terrae, Chile. Professor of Psychology at the Universidad del Desarrollo.

Índice H: 0

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How to Cite

Sibrian, Nairbis, Amaranta Alfaro, and Juan Carlos Núñez. 2024. “Validation of an instrument on exposure to hate speech of migrant communities in the Chilean media ecosystem: preliminary results”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (February):1-23.



Hate speech, digital populism and online authoritarianism