The identity construction of young people from gender and sexual diversity in sociodigital networks: claiming performative practices




Socio-digital networks, LGBTIQA+, Identity, Youth, performativity


Introduction: Currently, socio-digital networks are an important means for sexual and gender identity configuration in LGBTIQA+ youth. Through these networks, people's capacity for agency is developed; particularly of young people whose sexual orientation and gender identity are on the borders of the heteronormative matrix. In this qualitative research, the objective is to investigate the manifestations of agency capacity in young people of gender and gender diversity through the use of socio-digital networks (RSD) in the process of construction and expression of their gender and gender identities. sexual orientation, considering online practices and their possibilities for dissent from the heteronormative matrix. Methodology: for this, a study was carried out with 68 young people from Zacatecas between 18 and 24 years old who recognize themselves as part of the LGBTIQA+ population, exploring their experiences around their online practices according to their capacity for agency when dissenting from the matrix. heteronormative. Results: The data were interpreted through six categories emanating from Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity. It was found that, in effect, RSD enable individual interactions and with others that allow them to build or reaffirm their own gender identity and sexual orientation. Discussion and conclusion: Therefore, we could affirm that these spaces allow the development of online experiences, sociocultural practices of interaction, dialogue, knowledge and encounter, thus generating meaning processes that build or reinforce identities that are enriched by the possibilities of sexual-gender diversity.


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Author Biographies

Dra. Chaparro, Autonomous University of Chihuahua

Full-time research professor at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH). She holds a PhD in Philosophy with an emphasis in Cultural Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Mexico. Master's Degree in Sociology from the University of Art and Social Sciences of Santiago de Chile (UARCIS). Diploma in Gender Studies and Feminist Theory from the Central University of Chile. Diploma in Liberal Arts from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile. Diploma in Qualitative Methods for Social Research from the Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. Attached to the academic nuclei of the Master's Degree in Educational Innovation and the Doctorate in Education, Arts and Humanities of the UACH. She has a Prodep profile and is a member of the National System of Researchers (candidate level). Her lines of research include: Gender Studies and Processes of Subjectivation; shaping subjectivities in educational institutions; the devices of gender, family and schooling in the configuration of subjectivity; Contemporary capitalism and its effects on the subjects and products of education.

Dr. Rubén Cervantes, Inter-American University for Development

He holds a PhD in Education, Arts and Humanities from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, a Master's Degree in Humanistic and Educational Research from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas and a specialty in Cultural Policies and Cultural Management from the Autonomous Metropolitan University. Candidate for researcher of the National System of Researchers of Conahcyt.


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How to Cite

Chaparro Medina , Paola Margarita, and Rubén Cervantes Hernández. 2024. “The identity construction of young people from gender and sexual diversity in sociodigital networks: claiming performative practices”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 83 (May).


