TikTok and political communication: interaction patterns and Engagement Rate of candidates and parties in an election campaign





TikTok, Social Networks, Political Communication, electoral commucation, Social Networks Analysis, Big Data, Engagement Rate


Introduction: This study examines the influence of TikTok on political communication during the municipal and regional elections in Spain in 2023, highlighting the importance of this platform as a crucial emerging medium for political engagement. Additionally, it focuses on the progressive "derelationalization" of digital platforms, which are more centered on content and entertainment than on interpersonal relationships Methodology: Computer tools were used for data capture and visualization, and Google Colab for writing and executing Python scripts. In addition, a correlation matrix is used to analyze the engagement variables of 65 accounts and determine the strength and direction of the relationships between them. Furthermore, a novel formula is employed to calculate the Engagement Rate, a cornerstone of the research and a metric that allows observing the phenomenon through variables such as comments, likes, views, number of followers, and number of posts. Results: General data (presence, activity, interactivity, positive interaction, visualisation and dissemination of content), the temporal distribution of posts, the Engagement Rate and the correlation of metrics are inferred. An overview of activity and interactivity patterns of parties, candidates and users of the social network is thus obtained, finding significant variations in engagement. Discussion and conclusions: The research highlights the way TikTok is transforming political communication, demonstrating that success hinges not on conventional elements, but on digital strategies and alignment with the algorithm. Although some parties experienced significant engagement, this did not translate into electoral victories, suggesting a shift towards politainment and mass content consumption. Furthermore, it pinpoints areas for future investigation regarding the interplay between digital platforms and political dynamics.


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Author Biographies

Julen Orbegozo-Terradillos, Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Degree in Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations. Professor of Public Communication Management
and Interpersonal Communication (UPV/EHU). Main area of specialization: Political Communication. Lines of
research: activism in social networks, communication and gender, and electoral campaigns. He has published in high impact journals works related to electoral debates, hashtivism, fake news and new electoral narratives with a gender perspective. He has more than ten years of professional experience. He has worked as a journalist in various media and as a communications advisor in the Basque Parliament, participating in numerous electoral campaigns in the Basque and Spanish sphere.

Ainara Larrondo Ureta, University of the Basque Country

Professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her main lines
of research are digital, political and gender communication. She is the main researcher of the consolidated
research group Gureiker (IT1496-22), funded by the Basque Government.

Jordi Morales i Gras, University Business School

D. in Sociology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His area of specialization is
Computational Social Science, with a strong emphasis on Social Network Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. She collaborates as a lecturer in the Master of Models and Areas of Social Research of the UPV/EHU, in the Master of Social Media of the UOC and in the Postgraduate in Data Analytics of the Col-legi de Professionals de la Ciència Política i la Sociologia de Catalunya. He is also founder and CEO of Network Outsight, a consulting firm specializing in Big Data sociological analysis.


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How to Cite

Orbegozo-Terradillos, J., Larrondo Ureta, A., & Morales i Gras, J. (2024). TikTok and political communication: interaction patterns and Engagement Rate of candidates and parties in an election campaign . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (83), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2025-2323




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