Characteristics of the news programs of TVE, Tele 5, Antena 3, La Sexta and Cuatro: analysis of 149 news programs (2018-2024)




television, information, news programs, observatory, content analysis


Introduction: The 'Observatory of Information Quality on Television' (OCITV) aims here to determine the formal characteristics, content and treatment of the main state television news programs in Spain. Methodology: We preferably resorted to quantitative content analysis on a sample of 149 news items (6,289 pieces). Results: The average duration of the news programs is around 37 minutes and that of the pieces that comprise them is 47 seconds. The queue format and the news genre predominate. Information preferably framed in Spain. Strong presence of citizens as an information agent who speaks and is talked about. The President of the Government of Spain is the person with the greatest informative presence. Most of the information fits into the Society area. The neutral current image and informative tone prevail. Discussion: Quantitative analyzes always present limitations and weaknesses, but they are undoubtedly valuable. The OCITV offers a relevant volume of analysis that allows projecting trends and validating with statistical results hypotheses from other investigations, such as the propensity of television information towards spectacularization and infotainment. Conclusions: In general, we can speak of news programs with a high audiovisual rhythm, superficial journalistic treatment of the issues, poor use of sources and a notable imbalance in gender presence, heavily biased towards male presence. Strong influence of hyper-events or information booms around a topic. Different ways of dealing with information can be seen through the use of images and rhetorical tones among the different chains analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Joaquín Sotelo González, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Journalism and New Media). He has three sexenios of research and one of knowledge transfer recognized by Aneca. He is the principal investigator of the research group 'Observatorio de la Calidad de la Información en Televisión', at the Complutense University.

Elvira Calvo Gutiérrez , Complutense University of Madrid

Degree and PhD with extraordinary award in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 1997 she has been a professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences, where she has taught several subjects related to her specialty, audiovisual communication, in both undergraduate and master's degrees. At present, as a contracted doctor (PPL), she teaches the subject of TV Information and is a member of the 'Observatorio de la Calidad de la Información en Televisión' (TV Information Quality Observatory). She has been a guest lecturer at several international universities and author of numerous articles and book chapters. Professionally, she has worked in the media (Cadena SER, Localia TV and Telemadrid), in communication agencies (Información&Imagen, Eurocofín, Efecto Domínó) and press offices of different institutions (CEOE, UIMP or

Daniel Aparicio González, Complutense University of Madrid

Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and New Media. Professor of Television Information, Video Journalism and Audiovisual Media and Education at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM. Participant in R & D research groups in communication and education. Currently in the 'Observatory of Information Quality in Television', of which he was PI (2018 and 2021). He was professor and internship coordinator in the Master's Degree in Public Service Audiovisual Communication (UNED) and teacher in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training (URJC). He has developed his professional work as a producer and scriptwriter of educational videos and as a teacher and Head of Studies at the Escuela Superior de Imagen y Sonido CES.

Serafín Barros Garbín , Complutense University of Madrid

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid (Department of Journalism and New Media). He has been a member of several selection boards for public audiovisual media and has performed different tasks in radio and television. Expert in multimedia typologies and MoJo, he is also an Apple certified trainer. In the last years, he has coordinated the Realization cycles in the RTVE Institute and the audiovisual coordination in iFP Grupo Planeta-Atresmedia. He currently holds the position of Center Director at THE CORE FP-Grupo Planeta. He is a researcher of the research group 'Observatorio de la Calidad de la Información en Televisión', at the Universidad Complutense.

Claudia López Frías, Complutense University of Madrid

She has worked in the Spanish Senate and the Assembly of Madrid. She has been working in institutional production since 2012 for different companies, such as Mediatem (Mediapro), CBM (Secuoya)... She combines her professional facet with teaching, giving classes at the Complutense University of Madrid as an associate professor since 2019. She has also worked as an Associate Professor for the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos from 2017 to 2019. With numerous publications, her research activity focuses on television technological innovations and cinema. She is part of the research group 'Observatorio de la Calidad de la Información en Televisión', at the Complutense University, from 2019 to the present.

Jorge Miranda Galbe, Complutense University of Madrid

Jorge Miranda Galbe is a professor and researcher in the Department of Journalism and New Media of the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. He holds a degree in 'Audiovisual Communication' from the University of Burgos, a master's degree in 'Direction of Fiction Series for Television', a master's degree in 'Arts of Audiovisual Communication' at the CEU San Pablo University in Madrid, and a doctorate Cum Laude with international mention in 'Social Communication' from the same university. His doctoral thesis, “Configuration of transmedia projects for television fiction in Spain: the case of ‘El Ministerio del Tiempo’”, won an extraordinary prize. He is an academic expert in transmedia narrative and audiovisual technology.

Rubén Fernández-Costa O’Doherty, Periodista

PhD in Information Sciences (UCM) and Telecommunications Engineer (UPM). He has made doctoral stays in Boston (Harvard RCC, 2019) and Rome (Spanish Academy in Rome, 2020) and is part as a researcher of the 'Observatory of the Quality of Information in Television'. He is a Master's professor (Nebrija University) and an independent consultant for institutions and companies, publishing regularly as a journalist in media such as the newspaper El Español.


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How to Cite

Sotelo González, J., Calvo Gutiérrez , E., Aparicio González, D., Barros Garbín , S., López Frías, C., Miranda Galbe, J., & Fernández-Costa O’Doherty, R. (2024). Characteristics of the news programs of TVE, Tele 5, Antena 3, La Sexta and Cuatro: analysis of 149 news programs (2018-2024). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (83), 1–19.


