Characteristics of the news programs of TVE, Tele 5, Antena 3, La Sexta and Cuatro: analysis of 149 news programs (2018-2024)
television, information, news programs, observatory, content analysisAbstract
Introduction: The 'Observatory of Information Quality on Television' (OCITV) aims here to determine the formal characteristics, content and treatment of the main state television news programs in Spain. Methodology: We preferably resorted to quantitative content analysis on a sample of 149 news items (6,289 pieces). Results: The average duration of the news programs is around 37 minutes and that of the pieces that comprise them is 47 seconds. The queue format and the news genre predominate. Information preferably framed in Spain. Strong presence of citizens as an information agent who speaks and is talked about. The President of the Government of Spain is the person with the greatest informative presence. Most of the information fits into the Society area. The neutral current image and informative tone prevail. Discussion: Quantitative analyzes always present limitations and weaknesses, but they are undoubtedly valuable. The OCITV offers a relevant volume of analysis that allows projecting trends and validating with statistical results hypotheses from other investigations, such as the propensity of television information towards spectacularization and infotainment. Conclusions: In general, we can speak of news programs with a high audiovisual rhythm, superficial journalistic treatment of the issues, poor use of sources and a notable imbalance in gender presence, heavily biased towards male presence. Strong influence of hyper-events or information booms around a topic. Different ways of dealing with information can be seen through the use of images and rhetorical tones among the different chains analyzed.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Joaquín Sotelo González, Elvira Calvo Gutiérrez , Daniel Aparicio González, Serafín Barros Garbín , Claudia López Frías, Jorge Miranda Galbe, Rubén Fernández-Costa O’Doherty

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