Analysis of the immersive social content feature in the Spanish news media
Immersive journalism, feature, 360º video, presence, empathy, social issues in journalismAbstract
Introduction. This paper delves into the immersive feature covering social issues, a content that can
be observed back in the very beginnings of immersive journalism. Methodology. To do so, we have
carried out a content analysis based on an exhaustive review of the topic and a viewing of more than
1,000 pieces of this kind. The corpus is made up of 347 features published by the Spanish journalistic
media during the last three years (2015-2017). Results. The features covering social issues represent
a small percentage of the whole sample. The comparative study on the use of several immersive
techniques does not show significant differences between these features and others covering different
issues. Conclusions. Although 360º video technology offers great potential to connect the viewer with
wrongful realities and thus raise awareness about its siginificance, it seems appropriate to continue
doing research on the psychological impact of the several narrative techniques, in order to take full
advantage of this huge potential.
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