The evolution of the pay TV market and the profile of the subscribers




Pay-tv, Streaming, OTT, Audience, Audiovisual Consumption


Introduction. The audiovisual landscape has extraordinarily transformed in recent years due to
technological and market conditions. Digitalization has created new possibilities for new content
providers and audiovisual consumption has changed. Based on theories of substitution goods and
competition forces, our analysis will focus on the impact of those structural changes on the nature of
subscription services for audiovisual content, and from there, on the socio-demographic profile of the
subscriber. Methodology. Data comes from three different surveys made in 2008, 2012 and 2016 in
Spain. Results. Findings show that consumer profiles of the new platforms are similar to those of the
traditional television subscriber, but there are some changes in terms of age and education.
Conclusions. Socio-demographic variables are still relevant for defining subscribers, although the big
data defenders tend to highlight behavioural data or purchase data.


Download data is not yet available.

Author Biographies

Mercedes Medina, University of Navarra

She has officially recognised three six-year research activity by the National Commision of Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI). She is been the main researcher of several projects financed by the Spanish Government. The last one was “Reasons to consume fiction and entertainment audiovisual contents in the Spanish market” (CSO2015-64615-R) and the current one is “From an architecture of listening and audience interaction to social footprint: good practices in audiovisual content production” (RTI2018-101124-B-I00).

She is the author of almost 50 chapters of books, 25 papers in impact academic journals, and more than ten books. Some of them are Current and emerging issues in the audiovisual industry (2017), La audiencia en la era digital (2015), Globalization and Pluralism: reshaping public TV in Europe (2010), Creating, producing and selling tv shows. The case of the most popular dramedies in Spain (2009), Series de televisión. El caso de Médico de Familia, Cuéntame cómo pasó y Los Serrano (2009), Calidad y contenidos audiovisuales (2006), Estructura y Gestión de Empresas Audiovisuales (2005; 2011), European Television Production: Pluralism and Concentration (2004), Valoración publicitaria de los programas de televisión (1998) and Estrategias de marketing de las empresas de televisión en España (1997).

Mónica Herrero, University of Navarra

She is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication (University of Navarra, Spain). She holds a MSc in Media Management (2000) from the University of Stirling (Scotland) and a General Management Program (PDG) from IESE Business School (2015). She also holds the honorific title of European PhD. She has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford (2017/2018); University of Westminster (London, 2004); the University of Glasgow (2005, 2007) and the University of Lugano (Lugano, 2010). She has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Missouri and at the International Institute of Social Sciences (Sao Paolo). She has been the Dean of the School of Communication at the University of Navarra from June 2008 to June 2017 and she was Vice Dean for Students Affairs from 2004 to 2008.

She is an expert in media management, entertainment economy and media market. She was involved in research about Competition in television market in Europe, where she studied the characteristics of the media product and published “La economía del producto audiovisual en el mercado de la comunicación”, Comunicación y Sociedad (2009) and “The economics of series as entertainment audiovisual products” en Creating, Producing and Selling TV Shows (2009). Other Works are related to media market competition: “La calidad de la oferta televisiva en el Mercado español: las percepciones del público” en ZER (2010), “Desarrollo de series on-line producidas por el usuario final: El caso del videoblog de ficción” (2010), “The effects of competition in the profitability of European Television Channels” en The Media Industries and their Markets. Quantitative Analysis (2010), “Audience behaviour and multiplatform strategies: the path towards Connected TV in Spain” (2015), “Children’s programming before and after DTT implementation in Spain” (2015), “The impact of DTT in the willingness to pay for TV in Spain” (2016) and “Online recommendation systems in the Spanish Audiovisual market: comparative analysis between Atresmedia, Movistar+ and Netflix” (2018). Other of her publications are “Keys to Monetize Social Media in the Audiovisual Business” in Handbook of  Social Media Management Value  Chain and Business Models in Changing Media Markets, Springer (2013), “Implementation of innovation strategy: The case of CCRTV Interactiva” in  Managing Media Economy, Media Content and Technology in the Age of Digital Convergence (2011) and the essay “Mercado del entretenimiento audiovisual: de la atención al engagement”, Comunicación Social (2013).

Idoia Portilla, University of Navarra

Doctor and graduate in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Navarra and Master in Market Research and Information Systems from the National University of Distance Education. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate classes in the areas of Statistics and Research on Markets and Audiences at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra. Since 2013, he has chaired the Ethics Committee of the Spanish Association for Market Studies, Marketing and Opinion (AEDEMO ), of which she has been a member since 1994. She is also a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Navarra since 2016.

She collaborates in the research group “Statistical design and data analysis (StatData)” ( His lines of research are the measurement of audiences, the use of time and the consumption of media (among young people and in general) and ethical and methodological issues in market research.


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How to Cite

Medina, M., Herrero, M., & Portilla, I. (2019). The evolution of the pay TV market and the profile of the subscribers. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1761–1780.


