Digital transformation of university teaching in communication during the COVID-19 emergency in Spain: an approach from students’ perspective




university; coronavirus; COVID-19; Spain; new technologies; communication science; e-learning teaching


Introduction: The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 or coronavirus disease) health crisis declared in 2020 led to the suspension of ongoing in-person learning in Spanish universities and showed the difficulties to move forward in the digital transformation of the university world. The objective of the research whose results are presented is to approach, from students’ perspective to how university studies in Communication in Spain adapted ongoing in-person learning to online learning during such an emergency period. Methodology: A self-administered online questionnaire was completed by a sample of Communication Faculties students from all the Spanish regions in which these studies are offered. Results: 57% of the students approve the management of the situation by their Faculties, resulting in a higher percentage in private universities compared to public ones. The virtual classroom has been the most recognized technological platform (accounting for 84.5% of the cases) while the main teaching resources have been File uploading (73.2%) and Videoconferences (67.9%), the latter being the most valued by students while not the most employed. Discussion and results: The Faculties of Communication -in the context of University education in Spain- have succeeded in deploying the existing resources to virtual learning, although the pandemic has exposed some technological limitations of the universities. Broadly speaking and given the urgency of the transformation, common methods used for in-person learning have been shifted to the online world, instead of developing a teaching methodology that could benefit from all the advantages of virtual learning. Specifically, in anomalous situations like this one, the role of the teacher has proved to be essential, not only in transmitting knowledge but also in giving students attention and support.


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Author Biographies

Antonio J. Baladrón Pazos, Rey Juan Carlos University

Doctor in Advertising and P.R., Bachelor of Journalism from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and Bachelor of Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Vigo. He is currently an associate professor of this specialty at the Rey Juan Carlos University and coordinator of the Degree in Advertising and P.R. at said university. He has received an extraordinary doctorate award from the University of Vigo and a Research Award on Mass Communication from the Consell de l’Audiovisual de Cataluña. He has more than twenty years of teaching and research experience, one of his research lines in recent years being the advertising meta-research. He has participated in academic activities and as a visiting professor at different foreign universities, both European and American.

Beatriz Correyero Ruiz , The Catholic University of Murcia

Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and a specialist in Radio Production. She is currently Vice Dean of the Degree in Journalism at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM). She has more than fifteen years of teaching and research experience. Her lines of research are teacher training and innovation in communication, radio communication, digital journalism, bibliometric analysis, and State propaganda through tourism. Currently, she teaches the subjects of Multimedia Journalism and Radio Information Workshop in the Journalism Degree at UCAM and is the coordinator of external internships for the degree.

Benjamín Manchado Pérez, The Complutense University of Madrid

A Doctor from the Complutense University of Madrid, in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research II (Decision Methods). He is the co-author of several scientific articles, dealing with topics such as advertising research using bibliometric techniques and multivariate analysis, or academic fraud in Spanish universities. He has a professional experience of more than twenty years in positions of responsibility in the financial area of companies in different sectors: banking, wealth management, construction, health, food; as well as several years of undergraduate university teaching. He currently combines his position as Head of Market Intelligence of the Agroponiente Group in Almería with teaching in the MBA in English taught by the San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University.


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How to Cite

Baladrón Pazos, A. J. ., Correyero Ruiz , B. ., & Manchado Pérez, B. . (2020). Digital transformation of university teaching in communication during the COVID-19 emergency in Spain: an approach from students’ perspective. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (78), 265–287.


