The role of parents in the online behavior of hyperconnected minors




new technologies, digital services, Internet, media education, families, parental mediation, media literacy, media


Introduction: Introduction. This article disseminates the results of an investigation oriented to the study of the current multiscreen contexts in which minors develop, from the perspective of risks and opportunities. The main objective is to analyse the characteristics of the consumption scenario and family mediation. Methodology. This research has been developed using the survey technique. The universe under study has been the children enrolled in the Community of Madrid from 5 to 17 years old. (n = 840). Results and conclusions. It has detected a higher rate of hyperconnected homes, in which minors with mobile devices for autonomous and personal use predominate, and an intensive user profile that is from the age of 16 and amounts to 39% of the population on weekends or holidays. Mediation strategies are limited to content and time control.


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Author Biographies

Teresa Torrecillas Lacave, San Pablo CEU University. Spain

PhD in Journalism by Universidad San Pablo CEU. She is Academic Secretary of the International PhD Programme in Social Communication, of the CEU International Doctorate School, CEINDO. Her main research lines are communication and vulnerable publics: new media, minors and media literacy. She has participated in several competitive research programmes and has been principal investigator, together with the Chair Professor Luis Núñez Ladevéze, of the project “Home Auctoritas, digital education and learning community in families with schooled minors”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CSO 2013-42166-R).

Tamara Vázquez Barrio, San Pablo CEU University. Spain

Tamara Vázquez Barrio is Professor of Public Opinion in Universidad CEU San Pablo. Graduate in Audiovisual Communication and PhD in Journalism by that same university. She has a master's degree in Audiovisual Production (UCM) and University Expert in Design and Statistical Analysis of Market Research (UNED). She develops two research lines, the former about the effects of media on children and teen audience, with special interest on digital literacy, family mediation and social responsibility on media; and the latter about political communication. She is principal investigator of the project “From the mass culture to social networks: media convergence in the digital society”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CSO2016-74980-C2-1-R).

Rebeca Suárez Álvarez Suárez Álvarez, San Pablo CEU University. Spain

Rebeca Suárez Álvarez es Associate Professor in Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in the degrees of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and Public Relations and she is student of the PhD in Social Communication at Universidad CEU San Pablo in Madrid. She is graduate in Journalism and Comprehensive Communication Technician by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. She has two master’s degrees: one in radio by Universidad San Pablo CEU and another one in Communication of Public and Political Institutions by Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Luis Manuel Fernández Martínez, San Pablo CEU University. Spain

Researcher in education in Universidad CEU San Pablo (University Teaching Staff Training Programme of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports). His ongoing PhD thesis deals with the impact of social audience in the television industry. He belongs to the CEICIN group in the framework of the Provuldig Programme (Programme of Activities about Digital Susceptibility). He has been a training investigator of the project “Home Auctoritas, digital education and learning community in families with schooled minors”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CSO 2013-42166-R). Currently, he participates in the project “From the culture of masses to social networks: convergence of media in the digital society”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CSO2016-74980-C2-1-R).


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How to Cite

Torrecillas Lacave, T. ., Vázquez Barrio, T. ., Suárez Álvarez, R. S. Álvarez, & Fernández Martínez, L. M. . (2020). The role of parents in the online behavior of hyperconnected minors. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (75), 121–148.


